Monday, September 28, 2009

Stay Classy, Wingnut Nation

Jesse Taylor documents the Pretty Hate Machine versus Census worker Bill Sparkman.
Thankfully, after nearly days of professional investigation of the murder of a U.S. Census worker in Kentucky, a conservative blogger has collected all the gold and Cracker Barrel gift certificates his readership can offer, and is headed down there to Get To The Bottom Of This Mess, like Encyclopedia Brown would. And he has a hunch:

BTW, some people have a crazy hunch this Kentucky thing might involve teenagers and the horrorcore rap scene. Maybe they’re wrong about that, too . . .

You see, horrorcore rapper Syko Sam is suspected in the murder of four Virginians.

That’s the connection.


Yep, Robert Stacy McCain is on the case. And so is Dan Riehl:
UPDATE: Alternately, R.S. McCain could track down Dan Riehl’s theory that the murdered worker was a child predator, which is based on two ironclad pieces of evidence:

1.) What if he was?

2.) Wouldn’t it be irresponsible not to theorize?

Certainly, we believe things of greater import based on less evidence, such as gravity.

Because the fact Bill Sparkman died and the word "fed" scrawled across his chest couldn't possibly have been domestic terror perpetrated by anti-government nutbars. It must have been rap fans because somewhere a black man committed a crime in America, or justified because he was a pedophile, based on evidence that doesn't exist.

But this is how the Wingers roll, yo. Attacking a dead guy. Musta been "traditional Democratic voters" who did it, or the dude screwed kids, either way, the Wingers' hands are clear of blood.

Case solved! Right? Oh, and check the comments section on Dan Riehl's piece there. Real classy stuff. Destroying Bill Sparkman is now the Winger Crusade du jour.


  1. Riehl plumbs new depths of utter depravity with this piece of shit. I assume he was going for shock value, but instead he just showed himself as a vindictive bastard.

    Is it wrong for me to wish bad things for him?

  2. Well, you know, dead people are the perfect foils for these assholes. They can't speak up, so they can't fight back and "require someone else to speak for them", depending on the agenda.

    Seriously, isn't it about time we shot these assholes?

  3. Riehl is a gutter snipe. He has to make chit up to be impressed with himself. The nastier he can be the more he's impressed with himself. He has that whole wife beater mentality of trashing anyone and everyone that threatens his love of his own manly self.

    Crap is crap and wingnuts have the market corned on crap these days.

  4. Ha! Riehl's already closed comments on the pedophile thing. I guess too many "loony libs" were cluttering it up with basic human decency.

    Keep in mind, this is also the guy who fantasized about beating up some "thugs" ("technical thugs") on the bus.
