Saturday, July 6, 2013

Last Call For The Daughter Of The Nameless One

One of the things that really depresses me is the political dynasty garbage of America's "political families".  And yes, that goes for both parties, Democrat and Republican.  And being stuck with the idiot, racist son of Ron Paul as my Senator, it seems voters in Wyoming are about to get treated to another privileged meatball who never held any political office whatsoever and is about to use their family name to steal a Senate seat:  take it away, Liz Cheney!

Ms. Cheney, 46, is showing up everywhere in the state, from chicken dinners to cattle growers’ meetings, sometimes with her parents in tow. She has made it clear that she wants to run for the Senate seat now held by Michael B. Enzi, a soft-spoken Republican and onetime fly-fishing partner of her father. 

But Ms. Cheney’s move threatens to start a civil war within the state’s Republican establishment, despite the reverence many hold for her family.   Mr. Enzi, 69, says he is not ready to retire, and many Republicans say he has done nothing to deserve being turned out. 

It would bring about “the destruction of the Republican Party of Wyoming if she decides to run and he runs, too,” Alan K. Simpson, a former Republican senator from the state, said in an interview last week. “It’s a disaster — a divisive, ugly situation — and all it does is open the door for the Democrats for 20 years.” 

But it doesn't matter.  Liz thinks she's entitled to the seat, and most likely in a state where a Democrat hasn't won a Senate race since 1970, if she can run Mike Enzi out of town, she's got the seat for life.

In an interview last week after a town hall-style meeting at the county fairgrounds here, a few feet from a plaque marking the site of Mr. Cheney’s first political speech, Mr. Enzi revealed that Ms. Cheney told him this year that she was thinking about challenging him in 2014. 

“She called me and said that she’s looking at it,” he said. 

And did Ms. Cheney ask Mr. Enzi, now in his third term, if he was planning to run again? 

“No,” Mr. Enzi said. 

Enjoy your bullseye, Mike.  Nobody tells the daughter of the Nameless One that she can't have her toys, and you're just in the way.

Walkering Past The Graveyard

With North Carolina, Texas, and Ohio Republicans moving to remove women's rights in dramatic fashion, it's Wisconsin's Scott Walker who has quietly signed a law to reduce the number of abortion providers in the state to one, maybe two.

Gov. Scott Walker signed a bill Friday requiring doctors who perform abortions to have hospital admitting privileges, and abortion clinics responded by immediately suing state officials over the measure.

The law — signed Friday by Walker in a private ceremony — would cut the number of clinics offering abortions in Wisconsin from four to two, and one of the remaining clinics would have to dramatically cut the number of abortions it provides, according to the operators of the clinics.

"When women don't have access to safe, legal abortions, there are health consequences and women die," said Teri Huyck, president and chief executive officer of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin.
Backers of the law, which also requires women seeking abortions to get ultrasounds, said they were not worried about the lawsuit.

"We are confident this bill will be held to be constitutional," said Susan Armacost, legislative director for Wisconsin Right to Life.

The same TRAP laws that NC, OH, and TX signed into law over the last few weeks:  mandatory invasive ultrasounds, forcing doctors to lie about the health effects of abortions, waiting periods, surgical clinic regulations, and impossible hospital admitting requirements designed to make getting an abortion impossible for 99% of women.   Two clinics, max, for a state of nearly six million people.

Safe, legal, and impossible.

StupidiNews, Weekend Edition!