Sunday, July 13, 2014

Last Call For What Domestic Terrorism Problem, Part A Lot

Sharing a photo on her Facebook page of President Obama’s recent visit to Texas, the founder of the Moms With Guns website commented on the photo, stating: “Where is an assasin (sic) when you need one?”

The post has since been taken down and the Moms With Guns Facebook account has been closed by founder Kathy Perkins, but not before Liberaland was able to save a screen capture, seen below.

One commenter, Todd Thozeski of Seven Hills, Ohio, commented on her Facebook share, “Duh,’ while Liberaland noted another wrote, “I know…I’m amazed it hasn’t happened yet.”

There's no conceivable, possible reason to believe that any of the people advocating for open carry firearms rights are in any way a threat or danger to anyone, because why do you hate MURICA and FREEDOM and EAGLE, stupid libtard?

Added below, she asserts, “We Will NO LONGER Tolerate Your Tyrannical Abuse!” possibly in reference with to Thomas Jefferson’s advice that “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”

No reason at all to ever confuse this with a call to armed revolution, nope nope nope.

GOP Minority Outreach, Con't

Today's contestant on "Why Latinos should vote Republican" is Texas GOP Rep. Michael McCaul, head of the House Homeland Security committee:

"It’s very heart-wrenching as a father to see that — mothers with their babies," McCaul said on "Fox News Sunday." "I also saw some 17-year-olds that I thought looked more like a threat to coming into the United States."

The congressman showed little sympathy for young migrants crossing the border. While he said that some may qualify to stay in the U.S., that most needed to be sent away as a "message of deterrence."

What about them made them a threat, Congressman?

The fact they were Latino teenagers?  That's all it takes when you're a white Republican from Texas, I guess.  It's not like non-white men in the US are used to being perceived as a "threat" simply because they're not white.

I mean, it's not like Republicans consider immigrants to be a threat just because they are immigrants.

The leader of an effort to rally a Bundy Ranch-style militia at the Texas border said this week that his troops were fighting for "national sovereignty."

"We have patriots all across this country who are willing to sacrifice their time, their monies, even quit their jobs to come down and fight for freedom, liberty and national sovereignty," Chris Davis said, as quoted by Rio Grande Valley TV station KRGV.

Davis would not tell KRGV how many members make up his group, Operation Secure Our Border, nor offer an outline of when and where the group planned the deploy along the Texas-Mexico border.

Davis, who has been identified as a member of the Second Amendment activist group Open Carry Texas, also reportedly released a YouTube video recently in which he issued a warning to those migrants crossing the border illegally: "Get back across the border or you will be shot."

Keep up that minority outreach, guys.

The New Bar For Scandal

Washington Post scold and GOP operative Ed Rogers demands a special prosecutor in the "massive" IRS scandal involving Lois Lerner, and he has taken it upon himself to make this happen using the power of the adversarial press.
Anyone paying attention to the Internal Revenue Service scandal has been waiting for the next smidgen to drop. Well, two more hit pretty hard this week. At the president’s next encounter with the media, I will scream collusion if no one asks him for his exact definition of a “smidgen,” and if he thinks he has seen a smidgen of corruption yet. At this point, only the most gullible or culpable can continue to claim there is no compelling evidence in this case. Given the delays, lies and stonewalling, there is no viable argument against a special prosecutor.

It's not the first time he's called for this, either.

The corrosive effect of this diminishes America’s legal authority and makes for bad politics for the Democrats in November. How can the Democrats defend these “lost” e-mails? Who in a competitive 2014 race can keep a straight face and say they believe this president’s claims? If I were a Democrat, I would take Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp’s (R-Mich.) good advice and support a special prosecutor. It is the only way for Democrats to put distance between themselves and this grotesque violation of the public trust.

Because Ed Rogers clearly has the best interests of the Democratic party in mind. It is, after all, Obama's fault that Iraq blew up, Obama's fault that our foreign policy is a mess, that the good jobs news in 2014 is in fact 100% meaningless, and that nobody believes in climate change.

In other words, if you want to know what idiocy the GOP is cooking up in their bubble of stupidity, Ed Rogers will gladly tell you.  Interestingly enough, he thinks impeachment is a terrible idea.

Go figure.