Monday, December 14, 2015

Last Call For Moderate Marco, Again

Marco Rubio knows exactly which voters he needs in order to win, and he's going directly for them in his newest ad.  David Badash lays it out:

In a brand new 30-second spot just released today, Senator Marco Rubio makes clear whose vote he's campaigning for.

"This election is about the essence of America," Rubio says, with a pained look on his face. "About all of us who feel out of place in our own country," Rubio adds, as the camera pulls back to reveal his American flag pin.

"A government incredibly out of touch, and millions with traditional values branded bigots and haters," he continues, speaking about those who oppose same-sex marriage and a woman's right to choose. Rubio's voice and face reveal a wince of disgust, as if somehow anti-gay, anti-abortion voters are victims.

Rubio then throws in a few words about wages and student loan debt, and claims President Barack Obama has been "humiliated" by Russian President "Putin, Iran, and Islamic jihadists," although he offers no specifics.

White male Republicans who feel "victimized" by equality?  Good luck getting those folks away from Ted Cruz and Donald Trump there, Marco.

But you'd better believe these guys will show up next November to vote.

Will you?

Incendiary Rhetoric

When it comes to terrorist attacks on American soil, I'm not afraid of Muslims or refugees from the Middle East, I'm afraid of white guys with Molotov cocktails.

Authorities have issued an arrest warrant for a Minnesota man they say firebombed a Somali restaurant in Grand Forks. 
Still at large as of Sunday was Matthew W. Gust, 25, of East Grand Forks, police said.
Around 2 a.m. Tuesday, firefighters responded to Juba restaurant in the 2000 block of S. Washington Street and put out the blaze within 20 minutes. 
No one was hurt by the fire inside Juba Coffee House and Restaurant, and damage was estimated at $90,000. Authorities quickly determined that the fire’s origin was suspicious. 
Police have yet to address a motive behind the arson, but it occurred it occurred days after a Nazi-style symbol was painted on the restaurant exterior above the words “go home.” The FBI is also investigating the incident.

Gust was charged Friday in Grand Forks District Court with arson. Prosecutors allege that a 40-ounce beer bottle with gasoline was thrown through the restaurant’s window.

Here's the guy:


I see a whole lot of people who look like this more than I see Somali restaurant owners on a daily basis.  When do we start pulling over and profiling Gen Y white guys, anyway?

They're dangerous, you know.

Republcan Road Rage

Meanwhile, in the Land of Patriots...

A former Pennsylvania police chief infamous for his profane video rants — punctuated by gunfire — against “libtards” has been arrested on harassment and terrorist threat charges. 
Mark Kessler was charged last week on one misdemeanor count of harassment in connection with an Aug. 19 confrontation with a Frackville borough councilman at a supermarket checkout, reported the Standard Speaker
Kessler accused the other man, William Creasy, of talking about his daughter, and he said the former Gilberton police chief shoved him in the chest and wagged a finger in his face, police said. 
“You better watch your back, I know where you live,” Kessler allegedly told the man.
Creasy said the former officer also pestered him with slanderous emails, and he worried that Kessler might harm him or his family. 
Prosecutors charged Kessler with misdemeanor counts of terroristic threats, harassment and disorderly conduct in connection with an Aug. 22 confrontation outside a drug store.

Who watches the watchmen, indeed.

Because the angriest people in the country don't appear to be Syrian refugees or Muslims or black folks or women getting abortions, ya know?
