Saturday, January 8, 2011

StupidiNews, Weekend Edition!


  1. Zandar's Credibility ProblemJanuary 8, 2011 at 8:53 AM

    Did you know that Zandar is a fraud?

    He created a commenter named Arcadian as a sock puppet and used the account for months until he got busted.

    When real conservative commenters destroy his terrible arguments he panics and he locks his threads so he gets the last word in.

    When conservative blogs call him out and PROVE he's nothing more than an ignorant fool, a gullible hack and a race-bating idiot he runs for the hills.

    Zandar is a proven liar, fraud, and fool. He will lie to you and try to fool you again because he thinks you're the "Stupid" he's fighting against.

    Why are you wasting time on this blog? Don't feed his ego. If you leave, he'll shut this travesty of a blog down. Help this poor, deluded man.

    Before he lies to you again. He's pathological.

    Oh No!

  2. Hey Zandar, could you add an option to comments that would allow us to block spam like ZCP's above? That would be great, as he/she is selling an agenda.


  3. I would like to subscribe to your blog, Zandar's Credibility Problem, so that I can pore over every word that you write and find fault with it, and speculate that you have tertiary syphillis spirochetes devouring your brain tissue. Please provide the URL of the blog wherein you expound on American politics, and promise me that you don't moderate or censor comments.
