Friday, September 11, 2015

Last Call For Goobye, Governor Goodhair

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) said Friday he is suspending his presidential campaign, becoming the first casualty in a 17-person Republican presidential field.

Perry announced the news on Friday at an event in St. Louis, Missouri.

"I am suspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States," he said Friday at an event in St. Louis, according to prepared remarks sent out by his campaign.

The former governor's campaign has struggled in recent weeks after he failed to qualify for the Fox News main stage debate in early August.

Perry also failed to qualify for the second main stage Republican debate, which will be held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, next week.

Get used to that losing feeling, Republicans.   You'll get to experience a lot more of it soon.

Reporting A Failure

The independent report commissioned by the University of Cincinnati on the shooting death of Sam Dubose by campus officer Ray Tensing was released today, and it puts the blame for Dubose's death squarely on Tensing's shoulders.

The fatal shooting of motorist Samuel Dubose by a University of Cincinnati police officer was "entirely preventable," according to an independent investigation of the incident. 
The investigation found that Officer Ray Tensing, who killed Dubose during a traffic stop July 19, used poor judgment and improper police tactics prior to the shooting. 
Investigators said Tensing acted appropriately when he pulled over Dubose's car, but he made several critical errors that caused the situation to spiral out of control. 
Those errors include Tensing's decision to draw his gun and reach into the car as Dubose attempted to drive away. Instead of escalating the encounter, the report said, Tensing should have let the unarmed Dubose go. 
"Tensing set in motion the fatal chain of events that led to the death of Dubose," the report said. "This incident, which resulted in a tragic loss of life, was entirely preventable."

There should be no question at this point if Tensing was responsible for the death of Sam Dubose. It's up to a jury to decide whether or not that rises to the charges of murder leveled against the officer. Personally, given what I've seen, I don't see how it couldn't be murder, but I'm not on the jury.

We'll see what happens, but this is yet another call for Cincinnati to fix its policing citywide.

Making Sure Black Lives Don't Matter

If there was ever proof that the Black Lives Matter movement is scaring the hell out of the establishment, you have to look no further than this week's Jason Riley piece in the WSJ brutally trashing it.

The great lie of the summer has been the Black Lives Matter movement. It was founded on one falsehood—that a Ferguson, Mo., police officer shot a black suspect who was trying to surrender—and it is perpetuated by another: that trigger-happy cops are filling our morgues with young black men.

The reality is that Michael Brown is dead because he robbed a convenience store, assaulted a uniformed officer and then made a move for the officer’s gun. The reality is that a cop is six times more likely to be killed by someone black than the reverse. The reality is that the Michael Browns are a much bigger threat to black lives than are the police. “Every year, the casualty count of black-on-black crime is twice that of the death toll of 9/11,” wrote former New York City police detective Edward Conlon in a Journal essay on Saturday. “I don’t understand how a movement called ‘Black Lives Matter’ can ignore the leading cause of death among young black men in the U.S., which is homicide by their peers.”

Riley goes on at some length, blaming BLM for basically everything wrong in the black community, raving that we wouldn't get shot if only we were good little negroes, and accusing the media of wanting to make America's police look bad.  After all, the only victims here are cops.

And let's not forget that crime involving white Americans still encompasses the majority of violent crimes in the US, but anything and everything has to be done to paint BLM suppoerters are thugs, criminals, radicals and dangerous lunatics for daring to say "Hey, in 2015 America still has structural racism issues that are leading to the execution of black people at the hands of our government."

The only reason any of us black folk exist is because we haven't been killed yet.
