Monday, August 11, 2008

The Aftermath of Johnny Boy's EPIC FAIL

So, the Village has digested John Edwards' les Affaire d'FAIL and has come up with the following conclusion:

  1. The Media covered up the affair, because the Media wouldn't run with this story and it's proof that
  2. The Media is based towards Librul Democrats, therefore
  3. The Edwards story is bad for Obama and good for McSame, because
  4. Edwards cost Clinton the nomination and now the GOP will win due to the fact that
  5. The Dems and by turn Obama are now hopelessly mired in a sex scandal.
Got it? Good. Class dismissed. The rest of you have to write "More than ever, Washington really needs a renewed sense of bipartisanship" 1000 times on the blackboard.

1 comment:

  1. Teacher, I have a question. Is this the same spirit of bipartisanship that was basically capitulating to a bunch of tantrum-throwing four-year olds who lost the majority wherein they ignored bipartisanship?

    And I see Obama in no sex scandal. Unless they're having three-ways and partner-swapping. Which would be hot.
