Tuesday, August 26, 2008

And Just In Case You Were Feeling Good About Democrats In General

...The AP comes along to take a big crap in the punchbowl.
Two weeks after a devastating revelation sent her husband into political exile, Elizabeth Edwards isn't getting the steady sympathy usually afforded to a woman scorned.

Instead, she's faced criticism from dedicated Democrats who think she was too willing to keep the affair a secret to help John Edwards' political ambitions, as well as her own.

At a time when she was expected to hold a prominent role in pushing an agenda of improved health care for Americans, she stands silent. While fellow Democrats converge in Denver, Colorado, to nominate Barack Obama for president, Edwards remains in seclusion in North Carolina.

It seems an odd way to treat a woman with incurable cancer wronged by a cheating husband, the latest in a series of deep hardships in life that includes the death of a teenage son.

But some former followers have questioned the recklessness of keeping the affair under wraps even though her husband -- a former U.S. senator, two-time presidential candidate and the 2004 vice presidential nominee -- said he confessed the affair in 2006, before the campaign began in earnest the next year.

"I think she's complicit," said Brad Crone, a Raleigh-based Democratic consultant. "Obviously, she knew. While she's the victim, she clearly didn't stand in the way of the cover-up."

Of course it's an odd way to treat a woman with incurable cancer. But let's use her to attack the Democrats during their convention anyway. After all, she brought this upon herself, right?

Look, no matter how you feel about John Edwards and Elizabeth, they're not at the convention. They're not the nominee and spouse. They have pretty much nothing to do with the deal because Edwards long ago released his delegates (unlike Hillary).

But hey, talking about them not being at the convention and trying to bring them up in order to attack said convention is par for the course from the Village.

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