Friday, August 22, 2008

Andy Rooney Time

Why is it no matter what the actual information is, it's always spun by the Village as one or more of the following three things:
  1. Good news for the McSame campaign
  2. Bad news for the Obama campaign
  3. Yet another reason Obama needs Hillary as his veep
Somebody 'splain that to me. Go on, pick any of the campaign news stories, polls, statements, etc. over the last two months, and you will find the Village Idiots saying it's another opening chance for underdog McSame to tighten the race, another reason presumptuous arrogant pompous Obama has to worry about his many problems, and yet further proof that Hillary is the really the dark horse (but obvious) choice for Obama's VP because of all she brings to the table. Case in point, CNN this morning, combining all three. Here's the opening lede:
Sen. Barack Obama called some people on his shortlist for the vice presidential slot Thursday night to tell them he had not selected them as a running mate, a highly placed Democratic Party source said.
Pretty neutral...Now, here's where it goes:
A dark horse contender, Sen. Hillary Clinton, re-entered the conversation this week following a poll indicating that nearly half of her supporters have yet to embrace Obama.

The Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll out Wednesday night shows that 52 percent of Clinton supporters said they will vote for Obama. Twenty-one percent favor Republican John McCain, while 27 percent are undecided or say they will vote for "someone else.''

The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

The former first lady was considered one of the top VP contenders shortly after she ended her White House run in June, but rumors of lingering tension between the former rivals and word that her name would be placed in nomination at the convention are partially to blame for kicking her out of the top tier among political observers.

Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader said Clinton is the smart choice because she is the only person who would help Obama get more votes.

"And if he's going to say, 'One people, one nation,' he can raise the banner of unity with her as his vice presidential running mate," he said Thursday on "American Morning."

You got the trifecta there: Good for McSame, Bad for Obama, Hillary for Veep. Hell, it's even got Ralph Nader. By CNN's own admission, Hillary's not on Obama's short list for veep and has not been on his short list for some why the hell is she in this story about people actually ON Obama's short list for Veep?

This is what I mean about the Village. I am really hoping the narrative changes soon. I doubt it will.

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