Friday, August 29, 2008

The Definition Of Village Stupidity:

The AP Charles Babington saying about Barack Obama's speech last night:
Even if Obama had talked for three hours, of course, he could not have detailed enough proposals to quiet all his critics.
Which is true. But it makes you look like an asshole when you put that line at the end of a story that STARTS with:
Barack Obama, whose campaign theme is "change we can believe in," promised Thursday to "spell out exactly what that change would mean."

But instead of dwelling on specifics, he laced the crowning speech of his long campaign with the type of rhetorical flourishes that Republicans mock and the attacks on John McCain that Democrats cheer. The country saw a candidate confident in his existing campaign formula: tie McCain tightly to President Bush, and remind voters why they are unhappy with the incumbent.

The AP has decided to declare war on Barack Obama's candidacy and join the ranks of the Village. The problem is with AP's "political analysis" passing as news wire releases, it's a massive smear job. The GOP is only part of the problem with the country. Some Democrats comprise a large part of it too. But the Village? The Village sucks all the way around.

Jesus, even Pat Buchanan said that speech kicked ass last night.

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