Friday, August 29, 2008

The Pick

So, if you're McSame, let's weigh the pros and cons of Sarah Palin from a cynical GOP operative POV:

  • Young (44) and female.
  • Hard-line conservative: pro-life, pro-gun, pro-intelligent design.
  • Has 5 kids, including one on his war to Iraq.
  • Has about 2 years executive experience.
  • Some decent reformer and fiscal conservative cred.

  • Young (44) and female.
  • Under ethics investigation ALREADY.
  • Has 5 kids, including a 3 month old baby.
  • Has only about 2 years executive experience.
  • Has even less foreign policy cred than Obama.
  • Would be one McCain health problem away from the Presidency.
I'm thinking that short-term it's a terrible idea. Once she's IN however, she would be the pretty face to sell the GOP's craziest policies: ending women's choice, ending gay rights, intelligent design being taught in public schools, selling the next war with Russia/China/Iran, selling the police state and the end of Posse Comitatus, etc.

The wingnuts are ecstatic about Sarah Palin...isn't that enough to suspect she's the ultimate Trojan Horse? (I mean, you know, besides Clarence Thomas?)

She's there to help McSame sell the end. BooMan points out eight other GOP women who are more qualified with Christie Todd Whitman at the top of his list.

It was a pick based on selling a woman to his base and to low information voters, a cynical, insulting pick who believes firmly in finishing the GOP social engineering job the Bushies started in 2001, which is putting women, gays, and minorities back in their "rightful place" as second-class citizens and keeping the rest of the population ignorant and compliant enough to agree with the measures necessary to enforce that.

And yes, those are strong words. But I cannot see the choice of Palin taken any other way. She is the pretty face used to sell feminism the rope to hang itself with.

And if you think I'm cynical now, allow me to toss in the thought that Palin was selected because John McSame and his crew already believe themselves to have won, and that Palin is just there as the new face of the police state after the vote-stealing is done.

Now that's quality cynicism.


  1. Maybe I'm more optimistic, but Kitty still thinks that McCain's in a precarious position and is now trying to sell himself to the PUMAs...

    Although I'm thinking it might not run out, he'll get a standard Rich Old White Fucker, but can point to Palin as "I'm more inclusive than he is!"

  2. That's just it.

    You don't sell yourself to the Hillary crowd leaning toward independent, with a pro-life, pro-intelligent design, anti-gay, fundamentalist fanatic former beauty pageant queen (Miss Alaska runner-up) who said less than one month ago literally said that she didn't "know what the Vice President DID" because she thought the job was USELESS.

    Sarah Palin makes no sense whatsoever.

  3. Any hillary supporter who votes for mccain because of palin just isnt in it for the issues. I seem to recall the PUMAs saying that if obama took a woman vp who wasnt hillary that would be a deep and terrible insult. So how is it Palin could be anything other than a gimmick used to benefit from clintons campaign.

  4. Your right, Zandar. You don't. You sell yourself to the PUMAs: Those who are (theoretically) so pissed off that Hillary (and thus women) didn't get their historic moment that they'll either stay home or pull for McCain.

    Mind you, this is from someone who is pretty much of the thought that PUMAs are just more Republican ratfuckery/Village narriative.

    Gotta keep the drama up to keep those ratings high, after all. And what better way to split two major supporting groups than to tell one group "you've been denied your moment in the sun".

    If Hillary made the ticket, you'd see PUMAs backing up Obama.

    Now, I imagine there are very real and very angry Hillary supporters who might run to McCain over Obama, but I doubt it's the droves the MSM makes it out to be. Hillary supporters aren't fucking stupid, and McCain would be stupid.

    But one wonders if McCain is buying into said narriative, or trying to push it along.

    But then, I'm no analyst.

  5. Here be an example of the idiocy:

    They do exist. =/

  6. I'm not denying they don't exist. I'm not denying that there are people who would stay home/support McCain.

    I'm saying that the noise machine (AKA the Mass Media) is making it sound like they're more numerous than they actually are.

    The funny thing about democracy is that you don't need popular support to run it, when the illusion will suffice.

  7. It's nothing more than a completely cynical Hail Mary.

    Karl Rove is out of ideas. Driving a wedge between Obama and Hillary supporters is his only chance, and selling a total unknown as The Great Hope For Women Everywhere is the extent of his plan.

    He failed in '06. The Dems took back Congress when his plan failed. He is an idiot. America has had enough.

    Sarah Palin just put Obama in the White House.
