Thursday, August 7, 2008

Safety Dance

Over at CounterPunch (and if you don't read it regularly, you should) Paul Craig Roberts explains what the Hamdan verdict means to you and me.

Hamdan was not defended by the slick lawyers that got O.J. Simpson off, and he most certainly did not have a jury of his peers. Hamdan was defended by a Pentagon appointed US Navy officer, and his jurors were all Pentagon appointed US military officers with an eye on their careers. Even in this Kangaroo Court, Hamdan was cleared of the main charge.

The US Navy officer who was Hamdan’s appointed attorney is certainly no terrorist sympathizer. Yet even this United States officer said that the rules Bush designed for the military tribunals were designed to achieve convictions. He also said that the judge allowed evidence that would not have been admitted by any civilian or military US court. He said that the interrogations of Hamdan, which comprised the basis of the Bush Regime’s case, were tainted by coercive tactics, including sleep deprivation and solitary confinement.

Does this make you a proud American?

No. It doesn't. Not in the least. Hamdan got less time (4 1/2 years) than he's already served (61 months), with a stacked deck and the full power of the US Gubment behind the trial. And they still couldn't put him away forever by their own rules.

Epic Fail.

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