Friday, August 22, 2008

Step 5: Acceptance

If even Digby thinks "Sounds like Hillary to me" then maybe it's time to honestly begin my mental preparations for the Dream Ticket as reality. John Amato over at Crooks and Liars agrees:
I don’t care about the power structure in DC. I want to win the White House. And if Hillary helps Obama–then I’m cool with it. And Obama can handle it too. But, it’s his call and we’ll all support whoever he chooses. It’s his party now…We’ll find out soon.
Maybe there's just no avoiding what the Hillbloggers have been saying for months now: Only Hillary Can Help Obama. Perhaps the reason that Obama's camp has actually succeeded in this endeavour is it's been Hillary all along. The biggest strike against Hillary has been Michelle Obama -- she has all but publicly said she will not tolerate her after Hillary opened the door for McSame to attack Obama on Stupid GOP Talking Points -- but if she's somehow convinced (with Bill's help) Michelle that it's Hillary as Veep or McCain in the White House, it just may be crazy enough to work.

I don't know. From an honest and objective perspective, I can truly say I see the reasons why Obama would select Hillary Clinton, and why he would not. From a non-objective POV, Obama sucks if he does this and it's a terrible idea, he can win without her, the notion he needs Hillary plays directly into the Village narrative of bullcrap.

But the bottom line is if he doesn't win, it doesn't matter. You do what you have to do to stop McSame.

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