Sunday, August 10, 2008

Well, You Saw This Coming

The Nameless One weighs in on South Ossetia.
Vice President Dick Cheney says Russia's military actions in Georgia "must not go unanswered."

Cheney spoke Sunday afternoon with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. "The vice president expressed the United States' solidarity with the Georgian people and their democratically elected government in the face of this threat to Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity," Cheney's press secretary, Lee Ann McBride, said.

Cheney told Saakashvili "Russian aggression must not go unanswered, and that its continuation would have serious consequences for its relations with the United States, as well as the broader international community," McBride said.

What pray tell, with our ground troops a tad busy at the moment, should our answer be Mister Vice President? A shooting war with Russia? He's on the McSame page as McSame, while Obama is pointing out Bush's lack of diplomacy with Russia led to the fact we can't do a damn thing about this.

And what the hell is Condi Rice doing through all this? Isn't she supposed to be our Russia expert? How incompetent can you get, when the SecState is a RUSSIA EXPERT and missed this little powder keg?

The Guardian newspaper goes over what's next for the region, which is A) status quo antebellum, B) war spreads to other parts of Georgia and another breakaway province or two or C) the Ukraine gets involved, and we have a shooting war between multiple former Soviet republics. So far, it's looking like Option B is happening now.

There's not much we can do. We have no diplomatic or military stick to wield right now without Russia going "Hey assholes, IRAQ" to our faces and continuing to bitchslap the Georgian Army around. Again, this is what the Bushies have brought us. McSame wants to up the stakes here, Nameless One style.

At this point, everything's up to how far Russia feels like going with this.

And our President Bush? He's letting Nameless and Condi run the shop while he's busy playing beach volleyball.

Yeah, we're screwed.

1 comment:

  1. So... they want an war in Iran, and now they're eager to get into a conflict with Russia.

    Just in time for the severely unpopular Republican to leave office.

    Just in time for it all to blow up in the face of the new Democratic president.

    Just in time for a Real Republican (because the current president Is Not and Has Never Been a Real Republican) to ride in on a white horse and save the country. Oh, and lower the taxes that were probably raised in order to repair the damage the Not A Real Republican caused.


    Is it me, or does this sound or feel like some sort of vicious cycle?
