Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Aftermath

The most honest thing I can say about Sarah Palin is she's one of the best liars I've seen in a while. She will go far in the GOP. She might very well go all the way to the top.

If she develops the ability to sell that red meat to the political middle, she will be devastating, as devastating or more than Obama has been to the GOP.

I had a pretty frank discussion about Palin with a friend today, and he basically told me I've been wrong about her for the last three days and to get over myself and realize she's a brilliant political pick, not a disaster. The issues that I think are hurting her don't matter to 90% of America, and he's right.

Now, it by no means convinced him to vote for McSame...he's too reckless to be President he said (and for the record he believes Obama's a policy lightweight that's full of crap too)...but Palin was the right pick for him, absolutely.

Tonight we saw why my friend was entirely right. If she can reach the middle that Obama can't, McSame will be the next President. This election is not about the issues or Obama anymore. It's now all about Palin and the gender and culture war she ignited tonight, and unless she screws up majorly, Obama's going to have to fight for every last single vote. Palin and McSame are ready to fight for this and win. They proved that tonight. The future I forsee under those two is a bleak, nasty place.

Will Obama and Biden step up and fight back?

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