Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ancient Battles

When distilled down to the core, the election is not just about change. It's specifically about which kind of change, and in which direction.

One side wants change towards the principles of classic socialism (the government exists to promote egalitarianism), the other side wants changes towards classic theocracy (the government exists to promote a religion, in this case Christianity).

The current theory, which is classic imperialism (the government exists to promote the power of itself) is definitely NOT working out so well. But both sides still are preaching statism, that is the belief that the most powerful thing is the State. It is NOT how that State exercises its power (in the name of equality or in the name of Christianity) that matters as much as the State collects all the power to exercise. And that's a problem for both sides.

Having said that, which one do you believe in more, God or Man? It's a weighty choice, for sure. And yet, that's what's at stake. One side believes God should govern Man, the other side believes Man should govern Man.

That's a pretty ancient battle. It's one that will continue to rage long after we're all gone, I should think. Both sides seem to think being ruled by the WRONG God is bad, naturally. The Socialists say we need to accept this God, Allah, as equal and embrace Allah's followers, that if we fight each other we will only destroy each other. The other side says that we must turn to the Christian God and defeat them utterly, or be utterly defeated by them.

One side believes that only by having laws that follow the tenets of faith can Man survive, the other side believes that only by having laws that follow the tenets of reason can Man survive.

It's really kind of scary, actually. But that's the scope of this juncture in history. The reason why it's called a "revolution" is that it's always coming 'round again.

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