Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back Into The Fray!

Mmm, Bratwurst. Oh, where was I? Ahh yes, the impending demise of Sarah Palin's political career.(h/t AmericaBlog)
John McCain has a problem with patriotism -- he keeps talking about putting America first, but his running mate, Sarah Palin, was member of the Alaska Independence Party, a political party would put Alaska first by seceding from the U.S. She addressed that group -- this year. This is a very serious issue. Jed has the details and the video:
Why does Sarah Palin hate America? You know those prickly little flag lapel pin bullshit attacks on Obama's patriotism? How he supposedly put his own politics ahead of America and how he hates the country?

Well Sarah Palin's little fringe group here wants Alaska to secede from the nation. Sarah Palin supports them. She used to belong to the party before switching to the GOP.

And she wants to be Vice President?

This is the issue that I think will end it for her. Obama and Biden never advocated for the secession of a state, folks. Middle America is going to think she's a complete nutjob. I honestly think with the media asking questions about if Sarah Palin will even make it past the convention, this is the straw that breaks the back of a number of camels.

It's over. Odds are growing hourly that she withdraws.

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