Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Dominionist Counterattack

Late last night it looked like Sarah Palin was in trouble. But the media's counterattack against the Palin haters, fueled by GOP fundie talking points, has been nothing short of breathtaking.
They are coming to Johnny Mac's rescue to save poor beleaguered Sarah Palin from the likes of that bitchy man old liberal CNN reporter, Campbell Brown. Think I'm crazy? Well then take a perusal of some of the mainstream outlets this morning to see what they are saying about the Palin nomination. In general, they are giving it a pro-Republican spin, folks. McCain's "base" is carrying his water for him once again.

Here's a good example from the The Boston Globe this morning about what a great choice she is to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency:

Palin provides a striking alternative

VP pick defies archetypes of women in politics

... Sarah Palin, the Republican governor of Alaska and John McCain's unexpected choice for vice president, represents a striking alternative to the female archetypes that have long dominated American politics. She is a sharp departure from traditional Republican wives such as librarian Laura Bush and heiress Cindy McCain, but she is also very different from the Democrats' pair of urbane working mothers, Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama, who are strongly identified with the pro-abortion rights feminist movement.

For some conservative women, Palin's sudden arrival at the pinnacle of American politics is both welcome and long overdue.

"It's so great to have a strong female role model," said Emily Zanotti, a 26-year-old conservative political strategist from Chicago who writes the political blog American Princess. "We don't really belong anywhere, women like me. In the Republican Party we're not really welcomed because we don't fit the traditional model, and we're not welcomed by the Democrats because we're pro-life."
We're talking about a complete sea change: This year's Soccer Moms and NASCAR Dads are Dominionists: pro-life, conservative, classified as Independent more than Republican, but also politically they hold the belief that government should follow the tenets of Christianity and should work to spread and evangelize those tenets. These are the folks who think birth control is a sin and should be illegal. In fact, "It's a sin, it should be illegal" is a really good rule of thumb for how these folks want to run this country. This is the group that had up until now had largely abandoned McSame. They were going to sit out the election. Now they are staunchly behind Sarah Palin as their champion, and the change they believe she will bring to Washington.

It's through Sarah Palin that these folks believe America will truly become a Christian nation, at the expense of separation of Church and State, civil liberties, freedom of other religions, reproductive choice, and the trillions spent on an unending crusade against Islam. It is fundamentalist, neo-con control over every aspect of our lives.

Sarah Palin is the face that will sell it to America and the world. Bush's usefulness as the leader of this movement has expired. McSame is suspect, but of course he's 72, and should he develop health problems, Sarah Palin will be in charge.

That's exactly what they want. The Dominionists could not be happier. And the pull in the media is being exercised to keep her on the ticket, despite the horrified reactions of the GOP's foreign policy realist wing. If you think Bush was their puppet, wait until they extrude their hooks into Palin. It's a Devil's bargain. Palin is the price to get McSame in the White House...and we're the ones who will be paying it.

They will not allow Palin to go. The battle is on for the soul of the Replublican Party...and it will be over in 48 hours.

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