Monday, September 15, 2008

Le Sigh, Le Moan Part 5

Today's "Obama should have picked Hillary" concern troll is HuffPo's Andy Ostroy, who says Obama should actually dump Biden now and take the Hillster.

Conventional wisdom says replacing Biden with Clinton can't be done. That it's too late. That it'll make Obama appear indecisive, impulsive and lacking good judgement. Many Democrats believe this would cause irreparable harm to the campaign, ringing Obama's death knell. But this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, it'd be a freakin' coup for Obama, and would instantly melt Palin's undeserving outsize political ice cap.

To be sure, a Biden-Clinton switch would cause quite a stir in the media. They'd accuse him of all sorts of things, from being politically expedient and flip-flopping to being irrational and ill-equipped to be president. The talking heads on CNN, Fox and MSNBC would be locked in a non-stop frenzied orgy of derisive rhetoric. But we also know that it would make about 18-million Hillary voters ecstatic at the same time. So, honestly, who really cares what Joe Scarborough, Keith Olbermann, Wolf Blitzer or Brit Hume thinks? These pundits don't constitute an appreciable voting block. What they think and feel would be utterly dwarfed by the euphoria from Clinton's faithful supporters. It's a pretty safe bet that an Obama/Clinton ticket would capture virtually all of these loyal Clintonistas. It's also a safe bet that many of those highly coveted 18-49-year-old women who polls show migrated to McPalin this past week would drop the spunky little hockey mom in a heartbeat for Hillary. Lastly, it's an even safer bet that Obama's current voters would stick with him as well. So, where's the downside? Show me a Democrat, today, who'd dump Obama for McCain if Biden was replaced with Clinton? They don't exist.

Oh really. I would not vote for Barack Obama if he did that. I would not. I'm betting a lot of people would just give up on any hope of anything getting done.

You're a prick. Stop talking.


  1. Sikkar on a fucking cracker.

    You mean this wouldn't be percieved as an attempt to "buy off" angry Hillary supporters?

    They're angry, not fucking stupid. Maybe I'm just an idiot follower of Mesus, but if Hillary had someone going, and then suddenly switched out for Obama, I'd probably be insulted.

    And I'm willing to bet that they would be insulted at that.

  2. Actually, It would hurt his campaign greatly, and to who ever wrote that disbelief, The media pretty much controls elections now. If they talked and talked and talked and complained and complained about it. people would just vote for McCrappy out of spite. Or just not vote at all. Because if Obama did do that, it would seem like hes just trying to play the female game like McCain did. I chose Biden for a reason, he should stick to that.
