Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Not In My Self-Interest

The Obama camp has been confident, as have most feminist bloggers and op-ed columnists that I've read, that the Hillary vote is not going to go for Sarah Palin, and that women are not going to vote their control over their own bodies away by allowing McSame and Palin to put more Scalias and Thomases on the Supreme Court, not to mention her very unorthodox religious views.

And of course having said that with confidence, just the opposite has happened in the last week.
Republican presidential candidate John McCain has gained huge support among white women since naming Sarah Palin as his running mate and now leads Democrat Barack Obama among those voters, according to a survey published on Tuesday.

The Washington Post/ABC News poll found that much of McCain's surge in the polls since the Republican National Convention is attributable to the shift in support among white women.

The race for the White House is now a virtual tie, with Obama at 47 percent support of registered voters and McCain at 46 percent, the poll found.

Before the Democratic National Convention in late August, Obama held an 8 percentage point lead among white women voters, 50 percent to 42 percent, but after the Republican convention in early September, McCain was ahead by 12 points among white women, 53 percent to 41 percent, the poll found.

Folks, that's a twenty point turnaround among white women, and that has accounted for both conventions.

That's pretty stunning. If that holds through November, Obama's in deep trouble. I don't think it will, but Obama's surely taken a lot of damage. If Palin's winning the Hockey Mom vote by enough to put McSame in the overall lead, that's going to cause a lot of problems in swing states. I'd honestly like to hear from women out there...what does Sarah Palin offer that makes her worth voting for?


  1. well, i'm probably not the right woman to ask, since there's no way in hell i'm voting mccain/palin, but any guess i could hazard would not surprise you at all, from "putting a woman in the white house" to "she's a hockey mom who understands what it's like to balance career and family" to "anyone but obama because he screwed over hillary"

    ... ugh.

  2. Well, keep in mind that "white women" are just one segment of the electorate and not doesn't necessarily mean the entire game.

    I'm still confident that most women will not fall for this. Thinking about it, I'm inclined this Palin is for the conservative white male (she's hot, powerful, and says you are the lord and master of the household and you get to dictate what happens when you inject your mighty manly sperm!)

    It's like a prostitute on the national stage.

    Actually, I would like to see a prostitute on the national stage (although not on trial), but that's another thing for another time.
