Monday, September 29, 2008

Oh Please Please Please Do This

Bill Kristol on how McSame can pull off a miracle: FREE SARAH PALIN!

With respect to his campaign, McCain needs to liberate his running mate from the former Bush aides brought in to handle her — aides who seem to have succeeded in importing to the Palin campaign the trademark defensive crouch of the Bush White House. McCain picked Sarah Palin in part because she’s a talented politician and communicator. He needs to free her to use her political talents and to communicate in her own voice.

I’m told McCain recently expressed unhappiness with his staff’s handling of Palin. On Sunday he dispatched his top aides Steve Schmidt and Rick Davis to join Palin in Philadelphia. They’re supposed to liberate Palin to go on the offensive as a combative conservative in the vice-presidential debate on Thursday.

That debate is important. McCain took a risk in choosing Palin. If she does poorly, it will reflect badly on his judgment. If she does well, it will be a shot in the arm for his campaign.

In the debate, Palin has to dispatch quickly any queries about herself, and confidently assert that of course she’s qualified to be vice president. She should spend her time making the case for McCain and, more important, the case against Obama. As one shrewd McCain supporter told me, “Every minute she spends not telling the American people something that makes them less well disposed to Obama is a minute wasted.”

OH GOD YES. Let's have America see more of unscripted, uncontrolled Sarah Palin. Let it all hang out Thursday. I mean the McSame camp is already telling VP debate moderator Gwen Ifill how to do her job, so it's not like they come across as completely terrified of this and the end of the McSame campaign should she totally foul this up.

So please, let's see more Palin out there. Daily. Reminding us of McSame's better judgment. And when THAT falls on its face, let's remind people of the people who said McSame's judgment was GOOD.

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