Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rudy On Sarah

You've got to be kidding me:
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani says if Sarah Palin had been president when the U.S. came under attack on Sept. 11, 2001, he's confident she would have been able to handle the crisis.

Palin's experience as the mayor of a tiny Alaska town and as Alaska's governor for less than two years have led critics to question her readiness to be vice president in a John McCain administration — and president should he be unable to continue serving.

In an interview Wednesday on ABC's "Good Morning America," Giuliani was asked, "If she were the president on 9/11, you would have been confident?"

Giuliani responded: "I'd be confident that she'd be able to handle it. She's been a governor of a state, she's been mayor of a city."

Yes, because she's been able to run Wasilla's 8,000 and Alaska's 630,000 people mean she's of course eminently qualified to handle a terrorist attack on a city of 8.2 million. Look folks, the basic gist of Palin is that the GOP believes everybody in America is really just like their fundie creationist base, and won't question anything our leaders tell them, even if it's patently ridiculous. Willful ignorance in the face of political expediency is the hallmark of the GOP over the last 8 years, and McSame is no different in this respect, especially when it comes to fostering willful ignorance among supporters. Ignore Palin's problems, she has 5 kids, this makes her qualified to do anything in the universe!

If you honestly believe being mayor of Wasilla, Alaska qualifies you for handling an attack on the size and scope of 9/11, or a much worse, much larger possible attack then vote for McSame/Palin...nothing I say or do on this blog is going to change your mind.

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