Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Year 2000 Called...

....and they want Bush's speech back, John.

Seriously. McSame's speech was all stolen:
  1. Bush's stuff from 2000 was stolen, the teacher's unions to the cut foreign aid to the bi-partisanship crap and breaking the culture of Washington pap.
  2. Obama's new energy, new job plan was stolen wholesale from the Dems. Nice to know.
  3. POW! (tm) was stolen from the hagiography from BEFORE HIS OWN SPEECH. Ugh.
The GOP's got nothing. It was reheated Bush, only with "POW!(tm)". Hell, his own people almost booed him for the moderate stuff at least 3 different times.

Stick a fork in Mr. Green Screen. Here's the transcript. Lowlights:
"These are tough times for many of you. You're worried about keeping your job or finding a new one, and are struggling to put food on the table and stay in your home. All you ever asked of government is to stand on your side, not in your way. And that's just what I intend to do: stand on your side and fight for your future."
How? Cutting corporate taxes, of course. He's fighting for YOU.
"And I've found just the right partner to help me shake up Washington, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. She has executive experience and a real record of accomplishment. She's tackled tough problems like energy independence and corruption. She's balanced a budget, cut taxes, and taken on the special interests. She's reached across the aisle and asked Republicans, Democrats and Independents to serve in her administration. She's the mother of five children. She's helped run a small business, worked with her hands and knows what it's like to worry about mortgage payments and health care and the cost of gasoline and groceries."
Said with a straight face, and coming from the guy who married into $100 million.
I'm not in the habit of breaking promises to my country and neither is Governor Palin. And when we tell you we're going to change Washington, and stop leaving our country's problems for some unluckier generation to fix, you can count on it. We've got a record of doing just that, and the strength, experience, judgment and backbone to keep our word to you.
Like voting against your OWN CAMPAIGN FINANCE BILL, and flipping on global warming, and abortion rights, and taxes, and...
Thanks to the leadership of a brilliant general, David Petreaus, and the brave men and women he has the honor to command, that strategy succeeded and rescued us from a defeat that would have demoralized our military, risked a wider war and threatened the security of all Americans.
Because we put our troops there in the first place...why?
I fight to restore the pride and principles of our party. We were elected to change Washington, and we let Washington change us. We lost the trust of the American people when some Republicans gave in to the temptations of corruption. We lost their trust when rather than reform government, both parties made it bigger. We lost their trust when instead of freeing ourselves from a dangerous dependence on foreign oil, both parties and Senator Obama passed another corporate welfare bill for oil companies. We lost their trust, when we valued our power over our principles.
And of course your solution to that is to CUT TAXES ON THE OIL COMPANIES.
My tax cuts will create jobs. His tax increases will eliminate them. My health care plan will make it easier for more Americans to find and keep good health care insurance. His plan will force small businesses to cut jobs, reduce wages, and force families into a government run health care system where a bureaucrat stands between you and your doctor.
Best bullshit of the night, there.
Senator Obama thinks we can achieve energy independence without more drilling and without more nuclear power. But Americans know better than that. We must use all resources and develop all technologies necessary to rescue our economy from the damage caused by rising oil prices and to restore the health of our planet. It's an ambitious plan, but Americans are ambitious by nature, and we have faced greater challenges. It's time for us to show the world again how Americans lead.
Except Obama mentioned...nuclear power and clean coal just, oh, ONE WEEK AGO.
I'm running for President to keep the country I love safe, and prevent other families from risking their loved ones in war as my family has. I will draw on all my experience with the world and its leaders, and all the tools at our disposal -- diplomatic, economic, military and the power of our ideals -- to build the foundations for a stable and enduring peace.
Bush Uber Alles!
On an October morning, in the Gulf of Tonkin, I prepared for my 23rd mission over North Vietnam.
And we skip six paragrahs and five minutes of him talling America, in case you didn't know, HE WAS A POW!
I'm going to fight for my cause every day as your President. I'm going to fight to make sure every American has every reason to thank God, as I thank Him: that I'm an American, a proud citizen of the greatest country on earth, and with hard work, strong faith and a little courage, great things are always within our reach. Fight with me. Fight with me.
I think if this man ends up President, so many of us will be out there, fighting his wars wth him. Well, he'll be there in spirit. He was a POW, did you know?

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