Thursday, October 2, 2008

Debate Deblogging

9:01 PM: Liveblogging the debate, folks. Strap in.

9:02 PM: Gwen Ifill lays out the rules.

9:03 PM: Question 1. Bailout, best or worst of Washington? Biden: Last 8 years are the worst of Washington, Bush policies. Obama's criteria. Stumptastic. We're gonna change Washington. Palin: Stares at camera. Stump speech. McSame = reform.


9:06 PM Question 2: how to stop the partisan rancor as VP? Biden: Been there, done that, reached across the aisle. BUT BACK TO #1. McSame says fundamentals were strong. ATTACK MCSAME. Palin: MAVERICKS MAVERICKS MAVERICKS. I'M NEW AND DIFFERENT MAVERICK.

Gwen says "You both fail." Agreed. Wash.

9:09 PM Question 3: Who to blame for the crisis? Palin: WALL STREET. I'm one of you, never again, demand STRICT OVERSIGHT. Oh, and take personal responsibility, you. Biden: Obama warned about this. McSame CUT regulation. Telling story about middle class. Palin: TAX INCREASES! YOU'LL INCREASE TAXES! HE'LL INCREASE TAXES! TAX CUTS! Biden: She didn't answer the question. I got you. Palin: I don't care. I run the show. TAX INCREASES! TAX INCREASES! Gwen: SHUT IT.

Biden wins.

9:15 PM Question 4: Taxes = class warfare? Biden: TAX BREAKS for middle class. Economic engine. Palin: Redistribution. Small businesses. Government is problem. TAX CUTS FOR BUSINESS. TRILLION DOLLARS IN SPENDING. Gwen: Defend health care plan? Palin: DARN TOOTIN. Mandate! GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE! Biden: Fairness. 95% Small business. $5,000 plan, $12,000 bridge to nowhere.


9:21 PM Question 5: What are you gonna cut because of the economy? Biden: McSame's crazy ass tax cuts, not education. Kill spending, kill $100 billion for offshore tax dodges. Palin: Energy plan? You voted for oil companies. I stopped them. Gwen: YOU DIDN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION. Biden: Well I like her windfall profits tax plan. We want it too. Nice.


9:26 PM Question 6, bankruptcy bill, good or bad? Palin: REFORM WE'RE REFORMERS. We'll fix it. Gwen: YOU voted for this bill, Joe. Biden: Yeah, I did. Obama didn't. Now, I would be allowing bankruptcy courts to adjust rates and principal. Times are different. Palin: I want to talk about energy policy...huh? Drill baby drill! More jobs! DRILL DRILL DRILL!


9:30 PM Question 7, Climate change? Palin: Alaska. Climate does change, causes are inconclusive. We gotta clean up. We gotta clean up. Biden: Naah, it's man-made. We have to reduce the problem. McSame voted against clean energy. Clean energy = clean jobs. Gotta do more than drill. Palin: NOOKULAR. Drill baby drill Biden: 20 times against clean energy!


9:36 PM Question 8, same sex benefits like in Alaska? Biden: Hell yes. Palin: I'm tolerant...but one man one woman. Gwen: Gay marriage? Biden: Nope. Sorry. Palin: We agree.

Also wash.

9:39 PM Question 9, Iraq exit strategy? Palin: SURGE PETRAEUS THEY HATE THE TROOPS BIDEN CALLED HIM OUT HAHAHA! But seriously, we're winning. Biden: You didn't answer the questions. Here's our exit strategy. And John voted against funding too, timeline. Surplus in Iraq, let's get out of there. Palin: WHITE FLAG! SURRENDER! WE'LL LEAVE WHEN WE WIN! YOU SAID HE'S NOT A COMMANDER IN CHIEF. Also I respect you, not Obama. Biden: John McSame voted against it too. Oh, and MCSAME WAS WRONG ON THE WAR. Barack's been right.


9:45 PM Question 10, which is bigger threat, Pakistan or Iran? Biden: Pakistan HAS nukes already. Iran, not close. Both are dangerous. Pakistan/Afghanistan is dangerous. Palin: Both. IRAQ IRAQ IRAQ. NOOKULAR. NOOKULAR MORE. Barack is naive.


9:48 Question 11: Should we talk to our enemies? Palin: We're not talking to em. Biden: Everyone has been saying talk. They don't want to talk. Like with SPAIN.


9:51 PM Question 12: Two State solution in Israel? Palin: Yes, but we must defend Israel. Israel is peace-seeking! Biden: Nobody defends Israel more than me. But let's talk about the Bush policy like Palin can't. Abject failure. Iran is a threat. Palin: Stop picking on Bush! You're focused on Bush. Silly. Biden: Past is prologue. NOT DIFFERENT FROM BUSH.

Meh. Wash.

9:56 PM Question 13: What's the trigger for nukes? Palin: Can't let enemies have NOOKULAR WEAPONS. But lets go back to Afghanistan. SURGE! SURGE! SURGE! Shame on Afghanistan. We'll win there too. Biden: Our own general says SURGE WON'T WORK THERE. John McCain voted against proliferation. That was Barack's first bill. Palin: Afghanistan is different. THEY COULD WORK! Biden: McSame voted against money in Afghanistan.

No. Biden.

10:01 PM Question 14: Intervention, boots on the ground in Darfur? Biden: Yeah, I was right on Bosnia. We wanted sanctions in Iraq. We can intervene in Darfur. Palin: I'm a Washington outsider: YOU FLIP FLOP! FLIP FLOOOOOOP! Darfur? All options on the table, just ...babble...Alaska divestment...what the hell? Biden: We draw the line at genocide and yes, we go in. McSame is Cheney. Palin: Nope, you're a flip flopper, and McSame can win a war!


10:07 PM Question 15: If your president dies, what would be different? Biden: I would carry out Obama's policies, and reject the Bush Doctrine and I agree. Palin: WE'RE MAVERICKS! I'LL FIGHT HIM ON ANWR! But seriously, I want to bring Wasilla to Washington. RAISE TAXES. Biden: McSame is Bush. Palin: There you go again! Shout out to schoolteachers and third graders.


10:13 PM Question 16: What's a VP do? Palin: Rock and be a mom. Biden: Do things IN WASHINGTON. Assist Obama and give advice.


10:15 PM Question 17: Fourthbranch? Palin: Yep. It's flexible. We'll do what we have to do. Biden: Bullshit, Constitution points it out. Dangerous.


10:18 PM Question 18: Your achilles heel? Palin: We know what it's like, my family. We rock. That world view! AMERICA ROCKS! Biden: I have problems. I've been there too. Biden tears up as a single father. Palin: CHANGE! MCSAME IS A MAVERICK! REPUBLICANS ARE AWESOME! WIN THE WAR! Biden: Maverick my ass. He's Bush.


10:24 Question 19: What position have you changed on? Biden: I liked Bork. I changed my mind on him. Palin: Budget vetos. Yeah. I had to change on that. But not compromise. But compromise.


10:26 Question 20: How would you specifically change partisanship? Biden: I've done that, I put up with Jesse Helms. Palin: You appoint Democrats AND Republicans. Vote for us. TAX CUTS ROCK! SPENDING CUTS ROCK! They'll increase taxes and spending and kill jobs!

Palin, actually. She has a point, she has appointed Democrats.

10:29 Closing statements: Palin: We're fighting for the average family! We're proud! Like McCain! Fight and kill and Reagan! WOLVEREEEEEEEEENS! Biden: The last 8 years sucked. You can choose between 4 more, or us.

Biden 13, Palin 1, 6 ties. Oh my God. Biden killed her.


  1. This surprises you how?

    You don't bring a knife to a gun fight, so what the hell was McCain thinking when he brought a fucking wiffle bat?

  2. That's a good question. We'll see Tuesday at the debate.
