Friday, October 17, 2008

Pointing Out McSame's Race-Baiting Proves Obama's A Racist

According to Chuck Krauthammer anyway. He's pissed at his own employer the NY Times calling McSame out on this, and insists that the only racism in this campaign is the stuff Obama's making up...
Let me get this straight. A couple of agitated yahoos in a rally of thousands yell something offensive and incendiary, and John McCain and Sarah Palin are not just guilty by association -- with total strangers, mind you -- but worse: guilty according to The New York Times of "race-baiting and xenophobia."

But should you bring up Barack Obama's real associations -- 20 years with Jeremiah Wright, working on two foundations and distributing money with William Ayers, citing the raving Michael Pfleger as one who helps him keep his moral compass (Chicago Sun-Times, April 2004) and the long-standing relationship with the left-wing vote-fraud specialist ACORN -- you have crossed the line into illegitimate guilt by association. Moreover, it is tinged with racism.

The fact that, when John McCain actually heard one of those nasty things said about Obama, he incurred the boos of his own crowd by insisting that Obama is "a decent person that you do not have to be scared (of) as president" makes no difference. It surely did not stop John Lewis from comparing McCain to George Wallace.

The search for McCain's racial offenses is untiring and often unhinged. Remember McCain's Berlin/celebrity ad that showed a shot of Paris Hilton? An appalling attempt to exploit white hostility at the idea of black men "becoming sexually involved with white women," fulminated New York Times columnist Bob Herbert. He took to TV to denounce McCain's exhumation of that most vile prejudice, pointing out McCain's gratuitous insertion in the ad of "two phallic symbols," the Washington Monument and the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Hey Chuckles, keep telling yourself there's no racism in this campaign by Republicans that McSame isn't repudiating, especially when his entire campaign is based around plausible deniability of racist smears against Obama.

He then gets the assist from assholes like Chuckles here who clutch their pearls and want to know how dare Democrats (and Republicans and human beings in fact) get upset at this kind of thing, because pointing out these actions means Obama is "playing the cynical race card". The correct answer Chuckles is that when Republicans do this, they get called out on it, which probably explains why your boy Sidney there is losing by double digits.

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