Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Obama Is Up Against In PA

He's up against this. I don't buy's Obama 96%+ win percentage on Tuesday for a second. I don't buy the GOP "We expect McSame to lose" argument for a second. McSame himself is still guaranteeing a win. He says the polls are wrong across the board. He knows voters out there in America think like the folks in the video above and aren't telling pollsters about it.

One reason McSame's camp says the polls are wrong is because they believe true voter turnout is being massively overestimated based on new registrations. They know these new voters -- primarily Democratic voters -- will either not vote, not be able to vote, or not have their vote counted correctly.

Mass disenfranchisement of urban, minority, and poor voters -- Obama voters -- is already underway. The election will be far closer then anyone thinks. As I said yesterday in pointing out Digby's post on the GOP trying to own the voter fraud meme, the GOP Pretty Hate Machine must be dismantled. The GOP is preparing to steal the race once again, this time by saying the Dems are the ones defrauding the nation's voters when as usual with these assclowns, just the opposite is true.

But does anyone here actually think the unitary executive power that Preznitman/Nameless One acquired over eight years will just be handed over to the Democrats?

I don't buy it. Neither should you. Vote. If America blows it here, if the GOP gets away with it yet again, we don't get another chance to save the country.

McSame...and President Palin...will see to that.

[UPDATE] Steven D at the Frog Pond has more on the "McSame = Truman" meme the GOP has been pushing for the last two weeks.

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