Monday, October 13, 2008

Your Liberal CNN us former Bush administration press flack and Moonie Times hack Tara Wall (Of Denial) to tell us 20 reasons why Obama is just like Bush, and therefore McSame should now attack Obama on that point, "point" in this case being stuff completely made up and so tortured not even the McSame camp is buying it, including such gems as these:
Abstinence: Bush expanded community-based abstinence education during his term, including a $28 million budget increase for 2009 in an effort to "Teach both abstinence and contraception to teens." Obama concurred in April when he said: "We want to make sure that, even as we are teaching responsible sexuality and we are teaching abstinence to children, that we are also making sure that they've got enough understanding about contraception."
Yes, Bush's efforts for only federally funding abstinence-only sex ed for states is exactly the same as Obama's position as stated above! Errm, wait...what about this:
Economics: Obama told reporters that he agreed with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Bush's bailout package, then voted for the $700 billion plan. And despite routinely criticizing "the Bush tax cuts," Obama is now offering tax cuts of his own (although only for the 95 percent of taxpayers earning less than $250,000 a year). What a concept!
Obama wants to roll back the Bush tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans and give that money instead to the rest of Americans in the form of tax relief. Yes, many American voters will be convinced that Obama's economic plan announced today is just really more of the same Bush bromides...umm...but...
Faith-based initiatives/fatherhood: Bush is well known for his commitment to the faith-based community -- with initiatives for the poor and on fatherhood -- and he expanded the ability to allow faith-based providers a seat at the funding table. Obama, who has railed against Bush's efforts, has still found a way to embrace them, saying he would "expand" faith-based initiatives. He used his Father's Day speech to echo the president's Fatherhood Initiative.
Only the difference is Obama wants to increase oversight of these organizations, whereas Bush was using them as get out the vote operations and kickbacks to the religious right. Also, being a Christian and a father makes Obama just like Bush, so clearly McSame who is not a Christian and a father...oh wait, he is...hmm...
Global AIDS: Obama has said the U.S. must "lead the global fight against the AIDS virus." And earlier this year, he encouraged lawmakers to "Use whatever works with AIDS, including teaching abstinence." Obama has given Bush kudos for his efforts to combat global AIDS and the record amount of funding ($15 billion over 5 years) the president has earmarked for the fight. Obama said in September, "I think President Bush -- and many of you here today -- have shown real leadership in the fight against HIV/AIDS."
OH MY GOD, OBAMA ADMIRED BUSH FIGHTING HIV/AIDS IN AFRICA! That would explain the calls at McSame rallies of "Traitor!" and "Kill him!" Such horrible socialism, unlike we would ever see in America.
Health care: While they don't share similar views on universal health care coverage, Bush and Obama agree that the problem with health care is "about affordability" and there is a need to address minority health concerns with more coverage and targeting. That is why Bush expanded community health care centers, covering the uninsured and targeting urban areas, to the tune of $1.5 billion for 1,200 centers "coast to coast."
SOCIALIST! BUSH IS A SOCIALIST! I KNEW IT! I can't believe she's talking about Bush and his HIDEOUS GUILT-RIDDEN COMPASSION FOR HUMANS. God, McSame should attack on that point RIGHT NOW.
Minority homeownership: Obama adopted the Congressional Black Caucus principles "to increase minority homeownership" as it is "one of the best wealth-creation vehicles for minority families." These principles were developed as part of Bush's vision to expand minority homeownership to 5.5 million new homeowners by 2010. "Across our nation, every citizen, regardless of race, creed, color or place of birth, should have the opportunity to become a homeowner," Bush said.
SOCIALIST! GOVERNMENT HAS NO PLACE IN THE FREE MARKET (unless the free market is crashing out and bleeding all over the place and needs trillions of dollars in fiat money to fix like a junkie downing a gallon of methadone but that's perfectly acceptable, because we can't AFFORD SOCIALIST HEALTH CARE! HARRY AND LOUISE! HARRY AND LOUISE! CONTRACT WITH AMERICA!
National security: Obama voted yes on preauthorizing the much ballyhooed Patriot Act, sought by the Bush administration.
Aha! Obama is weak on national sec...wait, what? I thought he was a Muslim plant and...HE HATES CIVIL LIBERTIES AND...wait, what, McSame voted for it too? Umm...MIDDLE NAME HUSSEIN!
So, although he has been ranked as the most liberal senator by the National Journal and obviously hasn't voted with Bush as often as Sen. McCain has -- based on his voting "record" -- Obama's "rhetoric" still sounds a lot like, well, Bush. McCain might want to take that into account the next time Obama talks about another Bush term.
Oh yeah, I'm sure McSame will be able to pivot and attack Obama from the left, like the maverick he is.

After all, Obama has a Y chromosome...

Just. Like. Bush

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