Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Attack Of The Sensible Village Centrists

No First 100 Days plan from Nancy, no ma'am. She wants Obama to be a Sensible Village Centrist.

Pelosi, D-California, said she hoped Obama would "bring people together to reach consensus" on issues that concern Americans. "A new president must govern from the middle," she said.

Topping her agenda, she said, would be "growing the economy, expanding health care, ending dependence on foreign oil and ending the war in Iraq."

When he woke up Wednesday morning, Republican National Committee Chairman Mike Duncan said, he felt like the boy who stubbed his toe, the character in a quote from President Lincoln, who said: "It hurts too bad to laugh, and I'm too big to cry."

Duncan also called on the president-elect to govern from the center and warned that if Democrats moved too far to the left, Republicans could take back seats in the 2010 midterm elections.

"The last two times Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the presidency, they choked on the bone of responsibility," he said. "They lurched far to the left and introduced the country to President Ronald Reagan and Speaker Newt Gingrich."

You were under the impression the Democrats had control of Congress?

How naive are you, anyway? The Democrats now serve the aggrieved minority party, just like the last two years.

As McCain graciously acknowledged defeat, it was clear that not all of his supporters were ready to rally behind the president-elect.

Kevin Neugebauer of Katy, Texas, said he was "really disappointed " and "distraught" about his party's loss.

"Being a conservative, I think the Republican Party's kind of lost some of their identity of who they are. I really don't understand how it could happen," he said. "I don't know if it's really sunk in. It's hard to understand.

Other McCain voters took their frustrations to the Internet, finding solidarity on anti-Obama sites.

"We have to watch this guy and not give him an inch," one McCain supporter wrote. "The same way he criticized every move of President Bush. We have to make things as difficult for him as he did for Bush."

"The new mantra for all of us," another supporter declared.
Already the Village press comes to the rescue of these brave resistance fighters!

And of course we all remember just how hard Democrats made it for Bush! Why, they stopped him at every turn, and didn't roll over like whipped stray mongrels in the least.

But the Wingnut Blogs, the Village Press, and the GOP are dead serious when they say "not give him an inch". And they will be characterized as American Goddamn Heroes while they do it.

When Progressives do it, they are Dirty Fucking Hippies and always will be. There are no patriots on the Left...only traitors who haven't been caught yet.

Job one of the New GOP is to purge the moderates. The new leadership that will materialize in the next two months will be nothing but hard-core whackjobs: The Bachmanns, the Mean Jean Schmidts, the Jim Inhofes and the Jim Bunnings. The moderate Senators will be told to join or die politically. Job two is to destroy Obama and the Democratic Party to the point that nobody can ever commit the mortal sin of resisting the GOP ever the fuck again.

And Democrats like Nancy know exactly what's coming. They saw it before in 1992. A lot of Dems didn't survive that purge in 1994. It took Dems 12 years to recover...only to assure themselves a place under the master's table begging for scraps from Bush.

Now that Bush the middleman is out of the way, they can beg directly to the mintority party running the country for the forseeable future.

Hell, you thought Obama was in charge? Nancy and the House Dems are ALREADY stabbing him in the back. They've surrendered on the first DAY.

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