Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Power Of The Internets

If there's one truly positive thing Barack Obama did for the field of political science with this campaign, it was to display the brilliant organizational power of the internet, and to take advantage of that power to unify the country. Obama won thanks in no small part to the net.

So I'm very glad to see Team Obama continues to use the internet by launching a web site of the transition team:

It's a brilliant idea, frankly. If the Obama transition team is this organized and this serious about informing the people exactly what they are doing, then more power to them. I'd like to see more of it.

Also, being President-Elect means you get to use .gov for YOUR website. Neener.

I wonder when the wingnuts will start complaining Obama is presuming he's the President or something...

1 comment:

  1. Heh, thank Pam at Pandagon/Pam's House Blend for pointing me to this one, but it seems that the Repubs got their own site going:

    You HAVE to check out the ideas section. One notes two things:

    One, they probably won't listen, despite some good ideas.

    Two, the Ron Paul-aholics have already hit the site and are demanding the coronation of the One True Revolutionary.
