Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Blagogate Is Obama's Whitewater

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this whole Blago/Rezko baloney as Obama's Whitewater. Digby weighs in:
The minute I heard about Fitzgerald's press conference, I knew this would follow shortly: Questions Arise About the Obama/Blagojevich Relationship. That's Jake Tapper, not making any charges but bringing up all kinds of cross currents in Illinois politics to suggest that there are "questions." And all over TV they are talking about "corrupt Chicago politics," which is being splashed onto Obama.

It's natural that Obama and many of his staff have crossed paths with the players in this scandal. But according to Lynn Sweet of the Tribune, who has followed Obama for some time and is not a sycophant, says the campaign put a mile between itself and Blagojevich, not even allowing him to speak at the Democratic convention. They are not close.

I don't know if this will go anywhere. At this point, I think there's just too much news and too many problems for a phony scandal to have any legs. But, as I wrote almost a year ago, these Chicago shennanigans have elements of a perfect right wing smear by association if they have the energy to launch one and the press decides it's sexy enough.
Count on it. Taking down Obama is a national sport among the Village. Every single one of them wants to be the next Bob Woodward and write their own ticket for the next 35 years. You can absolutely count on story after story trying to tie Obama to Blago and "the Corrupt Chicago Machine."

The same people who ignored Bush scandal after Bush scandal are the same ones who will spend four years trying to gotcha Obama over this.

As I've said time and time again, if you thought the Village hated the Clintons, wait until you see what they do to Obama.

It starts today. The press honeymoon is certainly over. They know they can turn this into 24/7 Blagogate and control Washington once again...and that's exactly what they are going to do.

1 comment:

  1. What's wrong with "Gotha" politics if you have done something wrong and they do "Gethca"?
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