Monday, January 26, 2009

Further Investigation May Be Needed

Apparently I'm not the only guy to notice Politico's sole raison d'etre at this point is to be the Village bullhorn complaining about why Obama just won't let the GOP do whatever they want.

From TPM Reader JEM ...

I'm starting to get really annoyed with most news outlets, particularly Politico, which seems to be auditioning for the role of Drudge 2.0, portraying Obama's pledge to be more bipartisan as some sort of political straight jacket. Apparently, Obama has to completely transform all of his ideas and proposals to whatever the Republicans demand if he hopes to live up to his 'promise' of bipartisanship. I hope these articles conclude that he's broken his promise by the time the stimulus passes (with more than 60 votes, mind you), just so I don't have to endure them for the next four years.

I'm not sure I'd say I'm annoyed because I'm not really surprised. But I do think it's an example of the continuing Republican tilt of much of the Capital press corps. Not in ideological terms perhaps, but in terms of whose opinions carry weight, whose matter and whose do not.

Drudge 2.0 certainly seems to fit Politico's angle these days, if not full-blown Village 2.0. It's like the site is possessed by an AI copy of Cokie Roberts and David Brooks. It really takes some work to put that much scorn into reporting everything Obama is trying to do without actually coming out and saying "We don't care very much for the man."

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