Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Not Everyone's Happy About Today

Namely, CNN decided to track down some hardcore Republicans in Wyoming and ask them how they are coping with the various stages of grief and disillusion.
While Washington gears up for Inauguration Day, Republicans in Wyoming are taking stock of their future and assessing Barack Obama.

"I'm afraid that so much of the responsibility of individuals is being transferred to Washington," says Jack Mueller, a 67-year-old retired state government worker. "Big Brother is going to be telling us what to do over and over and over again."

Mueller and a handful of other Republicans sit in the coffee shop of the historic Plains Hotel on this windy January morning, chatting about the incoming administration and their mixed feelings.

These are back-to-basic Republicans. They want small government, strong national defense and an emphasis on individual liberties and accountability.

Well, you guys sure voted for the wrong dudes in 2000 and 2004, huh. How quickly Republicans forget Bush added trillions to our debt and flunked 9/11, Katrina, Iraq, Afghanistan, and a host of other things that made the US less safe and flooded our country in red ink.

But here's the real kicker.

"I wish President[-elect] Obama well, but I do not wish him success in the things he is proposing," says Ted Mueller, 57, an insurance salesman.

Ted is not related to Jack, but they share concerns about what they see as a federal government on the brink of a huge expansion.

"I don't want the federal government to give away our individual rights. I don't want them to take over our business. I don't want them to take over our religion."

It's that last one that makes no sense to me. Since when did Barack Obama say he was taking over religion? Where the hell did that come from?

Oh yes...let's not forget the millions of ignorant Americans who have been repeatedly lied to and now believe today we're inaugurating a Muslim sleeper agent named Hussein as our President. Surely his first goal after crushing our economy with godless Socialism is to "take over our religion."

No, this country has a long, long way to go still, even after today.

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