Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Purpose Of The Village

The Village has decided its purpose over the next four years, and that purpose as John Cole has discovered is to dump as much of the blame of everything that has gone wrong in the last sixteen years on the shoulders of one Barack Hussein Obama.
I really need to stop watching cable news, but I had the idiot box on CNN last night and got to watch this spectacle:

But the reason, as you just heard Dana report, that Harry Reid, the Senate leader, wanted to schedule it sooner, rather than later, is, they believe, the longer it waits, as David just said, the more water the ship could take on when it comes to the TARP funding.

And—and David makes a key point, Anderson, because, politically, every day we get closer to that inauguration, and then, on Tuesday, this becomes Barack Obama’s economy. It’s Barack Obama’s bailout money. And it’s Barack Obama who is paying the price for the anxiety. He has a lot of goodwill. He has high public approval.

Even many people who didn’t vote for him want him to succeed. But guess what? They’re still mad about the economy, still don’t think this bailout is a good idea, don’t know where the money is going, and don’t think it’s getting to them on Main Street USA or to the bank on the corner of their street.

And that is now becoming increasingly—and is about to become completely—Barack Obama’s political problem, not John McCain’s, not George W. Bush’s, not the Republican Party’s.

Got it? Obama OWNS the economy the day he becomes President. His fault. That growth during the Clinton years- that was due to Reagan. The bad stuff from 2000 on, that was the Clinton economy, until, of course, the 20th, when it becomes Obama’s.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled off was to convince the world he didn't exist. The second greatest trick was to convince the world that Barack Obama is already responsible for George Bush's failed legacy (except for all the problems that Clinton and Carter created.)

It's impossible for a Republican President to be wrong, bad, or even responsible in any way to our "liberal" media. At the same time, it's impossible for a Democratic President to ever do anything other than to reach various levels of failure in a futile effort to be absolved of the Great Original Sin of Democrats...being a Dirty F'cking Hippie.

You see, a Republican can ignore every miscue of Hoover, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Poppy Bush. But a Democrat will never be able to escape the shadow of that most hated and most infamous miscreant of the 20th Century, that foul miasma known as FDR. Obama is no different. The transfer of wealth the GOP engineered over the last eight years will pale in comparison to the transfer of blame over the next four.

And this is why I hate the Village so very, very much. Well, this and those Subway $5 footlong commercials.

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