Friday, January 23, 2009

The War On Labor

There's been lots of GOP huffing and puffing on Obama's cabinet appointees this week, but so far all have passed with flying colors. However, that could very well change.
President Barack Obama’s nominee for Labor secretary is running into fierce resistance from Republicans over her reluctance to state her views clearly on legislation that would make it easier for unions to organize.

The nomination of Rep. Hilda Solis has yet to be approved by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee — even though her confirmation hearing two weeks ago was among the first for Obama’s cabinet picks.

The committee, chaired by Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, could not say Thursday when it would hold a vote.

Even if the committee approves Solis, her nomination could be blocked by a Republican senator on the floor.

The committee’s ranking Republican, Sen. Mike Enzi of Wyoming, has been pressing for more detailed responses to questions posed on several issues, including the Employee Free Choice Act or card check bill.

The legislation would allow workers to organize simply by handing in enough cards expressing their preference. Under card check, union membership rose steadily in the past century until 1947, when Congress, under pressure from business, began requiring secret ballot elections. Unions claim the election campaigns allow management to dissuade workers with threats. Businesses argue that card check allows unions to pressure workers unduly to organize.

When asked Thursday whether he was satisfied with the answers Solis has given, Enzi said: “What answers?”

“She doesn’t even recognize her own record when giving the answers,” Enzi said. “Right now there are people who don’t want her out of committee. It’s not just me.”

While most of the press has been focused on Obama's appointee for AG Eric Holder, the real fireworks are over Solis and her support for the Employee Free Choice Act.

If there's one issue both the Chamber of Commerce and the Rightwing Nutjob wings of the GOP can agree on, it's killing the bejeezus out of union labor. EFCA would make it much, much easier to organize collective labor unions in the country, and the GOP is having none of it.

While the opposition to Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Lisa Jackson at the EPA have been symbolic, the GOP has the long knives out for Solis, EFCA, and the Labor Department in general. Obama's going to have to face down the "anonymous hold" law, because frankly, Solis won't even get a vote as long as the GOP can do this.

The hold can be lifted by a filibuster-style 60 vote margin, but forcing that vote is one of those things that just isn't done by Senate tradition.

Obama's going to have to do something about it and soon.

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