Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Already Failed Obama Presidency Continues

Newtie and Sam Donaldson are already explaining how President Obama Carter has been unable to lift America's malaise after two and a half weeks and has failed America.
"Reagan would never have allowed himself that level of partisanship and that kind of aggressiveness in that kind of setting," said Gingrich. "So you could either have a strategy that says, 'I'm going to go over and I'm going to be bipartisan and I'm going to prove it and here's how I'm going to it. In which he case he wouldn't have gone down last night. He would, in fact, have invited Pelosi and Boehner and he would have invited Reid and McConnell down to the White House to collectively hammer out the bipartisan compromise. That's one strategy. Or there's the strategy … that's perfectly reasonable, that says, 'I won, we won and we're running over you but we're going to deliver. … What he's doing now is Carter-ism because he's trying to live out both strategies and you gotta figure out which morning it is by which strategy he's using today. And what that will do is totally clutter who he is."

Panelist Sam Donaldson of ABC News agreed with some of Gingrich's critiques.

"He's making the mistake of not knowing how this town works,” said Donaldson. “He hasn't dealt with Congress well.”

I think President Obama has not yet demonstrated the kind of leadership Reagan demonstrated time and time again with a smile, affability,” he added. “He hasn't found his sea legs yet and I don't know whether he will or not."
Obama's not Reagan, and being a former Senator he has no clue how Washington works. Very un-Presidential! And Michael Steele is hot on the trail, pointing out how after an interminable 18 days the power-mad Democrats have destroyed this country with their Spendulus Bill.

The Democrats have controlled the Congress and the White House for less than a month, the chairman of the Republican Party says, "and you have to wonder if all that power has gone to their heads...

""For the last two weeks, they've been trying to force a massive spending bill through Congress under the guise of economic relief,'' Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee, says in a Saturday address.

The address comes on a day in which the Senate is debating a compromise economic stimulus that negotiators from both parties have produced - but the Republicans don't appear too enamored with it. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is saying today that the agreement looks more like $827 billion than the $780 billion that negotiators have represented. Add interest costs, he complains, and it's still $1 trillion.

The GOP is still promoting tax cuts as the solution.

"All of us - Republicans and Democrats - agree the government must act to kick-start the American economy. American families are doing their best to balance their own budgets and pay their mortgages,'' Steele says. ""The fastest way to help those families is by letting them keep more of the money they earn. Individual empowerment: that's how you stimulate the economy.''

The GOP is winning this game by leaps and bounds. Democrats will never get any respect unless they start demanding it...because in the eyes of the Village, they'll never earn it. Nobody in the Village is calling the GOP out on this idiotic behavior because the Village is part and parcel of it. They're the ones saying Obama hasn't shown any leadership yet and never will. Your liberal media is doing this.

How long before the word "impeachment" is uttered? Seriously? The Republicans will always run this country as long as the Democrats let the Village get away with it.


  1. HAHA!! The Republicans are winning this? Last time I checked approval rates for Obama were up around 70%. On his handling of the stimulus he is still up in the 60 percentiles. In my opinion he is doing a damn good job at proving the Republicans are nothing more than obstructionists who do not have the best interests of the country at heart. The economy is collapsing and all they care about are tax cuts.

    The only way left to get us out of this mess is government spending and the only money left in the system is from the government. We should be maximizing spending, not minimizing it. The Republican Congress had 6 years to themselves to prove they were fiscally conservative and instead they went and outspent the Democrats with absolutely no oversight, resulting in the largest national debt ever. To cry about spending and taxcuts now is just absurd considering their track record.

  2. You are spot on. The Republicans and their lackeys in the corporate media are going to go after Obama with a wrath not seen since Clinton. The most irksome thing about the Republicans and the media's criticisms of the stimulus package is that they either really believe what they are saying and are just wrong, they know they are wrong but are lying to themselves, or they know they are wrong and they are trying to lie to the public, all of which are intellectually dishonest and all of which are unacceptable.

  3. Sam Donaldson reflects the status quo mentality with his comment about Obama not knowing how "this town" works.

    The point is to make it work in a new way, that is to make it FUNCTION. Hasn't anybody but Obama noticed the system is broken? It has become a game of power moves geared toward the next election, not serving the long view of what's best for the country.

    Obama is breaking the eggs he needs to make his omelette. It's way too early to judge.

  4. Where the $@%# were all of you republicans when the FIRST effing bailout passed? I don't remember hearing any complaints then. All of a sudden there is a big concern about ethics after the last 8 years of rape and pillage. Of course Obama has failed. Our whole two-party sham of a system has failed. Revolution is now the only option for the American people.

  5. Now that Bush is gone the republicans have thrown his effigy under the bus and now feel free to be the republicans they were always meant to be. i've heard not a single word of apology for the disaster they helped create over the last 8 years. presently their poll numbers are so low and they have so little to offer in the way of helpful solutions to fixing their financial mess they are now in Kamakazi mode doing everything they can to derail President Obama's objective to fixing the economy. their goal is to drown the economy in the tub so they can say,"See, we told you so!"
