Friday, February 13, 2009

Even A Broken Grandfather Clock...

Politico: Nobody Could Have Predicted(tm) that the House GOP would unanimously vote against the stimulus bill!

You know, except that I predicted it.
I've said time and time again that the House GOP never had any intention of voting for Obama's plan to fix the economy whatsoever. They were always going to oppose it, they were always going to obstruct it, they were always going to do everything they can to sink it with the intention that they fully expected the economy to come apart at the seams.
Not holding my breath for Politico to give me a job or even acknowledge I exist. I'm a fourteenth-string blogger with a readership of, well, you three.

But, you know, I was right. Suppose mathematically I had to be eventually.

[UPDATE] Looking over the last couple weeks, a lot of folks thought the Republicans were going to cave in the House, including BooMan.
When the House votes on final passage of the stimulus bill, somewhere near two dozen Republicans are going to vote for it. That was the point, despite the fact that no one gives a shit what the House Republicans think. We care about what the public thinks. And Obama is already talking to the people by blasting Republicans with ads in their districts. Yesterday's vote was not the final vote.
Hate to say I told ya so, bro, but...there you are.

The problem is you can't keep assigning logical characteristics to GOP behavior when you should be assigning mental illnesses from the DSM-IV.

1 comment:

  1. You are right. Politico will not ask you for a job. The last thing they want is someone on the left who runs circles around what passes for their political "analysis"! It is depressing just how bad the analysis is in the mainstream media. You seem to quote BooMan frequently.To me Boo Man seems like an Obama sycophant who gave up independent thinking when Obama announced his run for the presidency. Glenn Greenwald had an excellent column yesterday about this phenomenon of liberals/progressive drinking the Obama kool-aid. I am sure that you have a readership of more than three. At least I hope so. You have one of the better ones.
