Monday, February 23, 2009

It's 1994!

The logical endpoint of the Right's mass delusionary populist anti-Obama uprising is of course the ironclad belief that this imaginary uprising will mean that voters will magically vindicate them at the polls and sweep the Republicans into power in Congress in 2010.
Republicans are hatching a political comeback by dusting off a strategic playbook written nearly two decades ago.

Its themes: Unite against Democrats’ economic policy, block and counter health care reform and tar them with spending scandals.

Those represent the political trifecta that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich bet on in 1994 to produce a historic Republican takeover of Congress.

Now, some Republicans believe President Barack Obama’s one-two push on the economy and health care reform is setting the stage for a new round of significant gains, if not a total takeover.
And of course, the Village Idiots are there to help the GOP along, still believing totally that the country will have forgotten the entire Bush administration by 2010 and that the same economic plan they had that got us into this mess is the plan America wants them to use to get us out.

In other words, they're clinically insane. But watch...the Village will push the GOP Takeover Of Congress as not only possible in 2010, but that it's the expected conventional wisdom.

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