Friday, February 20, 2009

Oh Please Let This Happen

Over at National Review's blog The Corner, Kathryn Jean Lopez puts up possibly the funniest, most fever-bright insane-o-vision suggestion I've seen in quite some time, the notion of the GOP Populist Ticket Of Megastupid, where she slyly suggests that the cure to AFOP is a combination of Aurora Sarahalis and CNBC's Rick Santelli.

Who the hell is Rick Santelli? Much like Chase CEO Jamie Dimon yesterday, Rick has gone on a Jim Cramer style tirade against Obama's mortgage plan, saying that people need to revolt against it becuase "the government is promoting bad behavior."

Yep. Trillions in free money for banks, fine. But $75 billion to keep Americans in their homes? The government and Obama are "subsidizing the losers".

So yes. Let's see the GOP embrace this notion of Wall Street hotshots getting trillions in taxpayer loans and capital telling the American people to go screw themselves with a length of PVC pipe for wanting to keep a roof over their heads. Please. Let's go back to blaming Americans who bought a home over the last two years and made the same mistake that Wall Street did and didn't anticipate the housing bubble.

Let's throw these "losers" out on the street and give their homes to the banks, along with trillions of our tax dollars. Run with that notion, guys. Run with it.

[UPDATE] John Cole has more, and White House spokesperson Robert Gibbs tells Santelli to stick it.

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