Sunday, February 22, 2009


The Double G lays into the WOLVEREEEEEEEEEEENS! with both barrels, and especially their leader, former CNN loudmouth and now FOX Noise hate-machine Glenn Beck. Beck apparently is actually "war gaming" out the scenario of the right-wing militia movement in open, armed revolt versus the Obama government. Guess which side Beck's on?
But now, only four weeks into the presidency of Barack Obama, they are back -- angrier and more chest-beating than ever. Actually, the mere threat of an Obama presidency was enough to revitalize them from their eight-year slumber, awaken them from their camouflaged, well-armed suburban caves. The disturbingly ugly atmosphere that marked virtually every Sarah Palin rally had its roots in this cultural resentment, which is why her fear-mongering cultural warnings about his exotic, threatening otherness -- he's a Muslim-loving, Terrorist-embracing, Rev.-Wright-following Marxist: who is the real Barack Obama? -- resonated so stingingly with the rabid lynch mobs that cheered her on.

With Obama now actually in the Oval Office -- and a financial crisis in full force that is generating the exact type of widespread, intense anxiety that typically inflames these cultural resentments -- their mask is dropping, has dropped, and they've suddenly re-discovered their righteous "principles." The week-long CNBC Revolt of the Traders led by McCain voter Rick Santelli and the fledgling little Tea Party movement promoted by the Michelle Malkins of the world are obvious outgrowths of this 1990s mentality, now fortified by the most powerful fuel: deep economic fear. But as feisty and fire-breathing as those outbursts are, nothing can match -- for pure, illustrative derangement -- the discussion below from Glenn Beck's new Fox show this week, in which he and an array of ex-military and CIA guests ponder (and plot and plan) "war games" for the coming Civil War against Obama-led tyranny. It really has to be seen to be believed.

Having predicted this level of reaction from the right-wing nutjobs since before the election I'm not surprised in the least by this. Really do check out the entire article and the video clips Double G presents. It's borderline insanity, folks.

The militia whackjobs are gearing up for war against Obama openly. Glenn Beck is going through the scenarios where Mexico falls and becomes a lawless "narco-state" and requires armed militas to resist the endless flow of terrorists from the south because Obama won't stop them, requiring Israel to go to war with Iran, or those same militias go to war against the US government itself. This is crazy, end times stuff here, and Fox is openly fomenting these ideas. As Greenwald concludes:

But it's now inflamed by declining imperial power, genuine economic crises, an exotic Other occupying the White House, and potent technology harnessed by right-wing corporations such as Fox News to broadcast and disseminate it widely and continuously. At the very least, it's worth taking note of. And I wonder what would happen if MSNBC broadcast a similar discussion of leftists plotting and planning the imminent, violent Socialist Revolution against the U.S. Government.
Why, those folks at MSNBC would be called traitors. But you know, our Liberal Media doesn't have any problem with the Right spreading this kind of insanity on the airwaves to millions worldwide.

[UPDATE] Whenever the blowhards at Hot Air and the crackpots at Little Green Footballs disavow you, you have lost the Wingnuts for good, Mr. Beck.

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