Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Who will get the blame for the failure of TARP II: Economic Boogaloo the Financial Stability Plan when it, you know, doesn't stabilize the country's financial sector?

Obama's not stupid. The number one reason to keep Timmy G around at this point is that the proverbial bus will need somebody thrown under it in about, oh, say six months. He knows this. Not sure if Geithner does.

He will not be Treasury Secretary by the end of this year, I can guarantee you that.


  1. If Obama is so smart why pick Geithner in the first place and pursue policies that you know will probably fail? I know, I know, Obama is a master chess player who is always three steps ahead of the rest of us. Isn't that line getting a little old by now?

  2. Ultimately Geithner is Obama's reponsibility. He's implementing Obama's policies.

    However, Geithner is the expert on the team and the point man at the table. Unfortunately he's failed miserably at this so far.

    Obama has apparently decided to try to soften the impending crash rather than take truly bold action to prevent it.
