Friday, March 27, 2009

Heavy, Neck-Based Millstone Is Heavy

Ol' Mitch McConnell declares that now that Dubya is gone, the GOP is going to win!
"President Bush had become extremely unpopular, and politically he was sort of a millstone around our necks in both '06 and '08," McConnell told reporters Friday. "We now have the opportunity to be on offense, offer our own ideas and we will win some."
Yep, you're free of the Dubya millstone there, Mitchie.

Now all you have to worry about is the Michael Steele millstone and the Dick Cheney millstone and the Michele Bachmann millstone and the Jim Bunning millstone and the John Boehner millstone and the BIG FAT GIANT RUSH LIMBAUGH MOUNTAIN around your necks.


  1. As a Conservative, I'm fed up with so many Republican leaders blaming their election loss woes on former Prez. G.W. Bush. The truth had the opportunity to show America and the world what true conservatism is when you had a Republican majority in House and Senate + White House. NO... You had to blow it! You got greedy and power hungry and disappointed those who sent you there in the first place. You had your moment to shine but you blew it. Blame yourselves not Bush. Be original. Come up with some honest solutions to America's problems--not this smoke and mirrors that Obama has created to fool and deceive Americans. Be men and women of courage. Be men and women of character and integrity too--stop all this whining and complaining because you didn't get invited to the party. Guess what? Get ready for fo-mo years of American betrayal by the current administration and his cronies. You boys and girls better be getting your act together and solving some problems between now and then so that REAL conservatism can return to the White House. If you don't, don't expect my vote!

  2. They really didn't get power hungry as much as they pandered and became arrogant. They stopped (if they ever started) representing the conservative values. They couldn't (wouldn't) believe that moderate to a dem is agreeing with the dem; dems don't care a wit about conservative principles, and after awhile, neither did the vast majority of Republicants (sic) in congress.

  3. Good call BeanerECMO! I totally agree with your point. They (most Conserv's) moved so close to the "Demo-cliff"of no return that they fell right over. They looked so much like "the enemy" (Mark Levin) that it was difficult to tell the two apart. When you sleep with the enemy-you begin to smell like the enemy. "Harsh words" you say. Conservative principles became so diluted that even most genuine Conservatives had to hold their nose while marking the X for the last Republican nominee for prez. The only thing that kept this race close was when it became the Palin/McCain ticket. Ronnie Regan must be rollin' over in his grave.

    Newt 2012!

  4. To compete in the marketplace of have to have ideas.

    I'm not thrilled with everything the Dems are doing, believe me. But if there are better ideas out there from the loyal opposition, let's hear them. Now's the time.
