Thursday, March 19, 2009

Six Years In

And this is the worst news I've seen all day, as I am reminded that today marks the sixth anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq War, which should be over sometime before its eighth anniversary.

We hope.

Afghanistan on the other hand, who the hell knows how many more years we'll be in there.


  1. Did you see The Rachel Maddow Show on the 16th? She was talking to Lt. Col. John Nagl about Afghanistan:
    MADDOW: So here is your chance to talk me down. Tell me that when the next president is inaugurated, we are not going to be talking about prospects for year 16 of the war in Afghanistan.

    NAGL: I‘d like to be able to tell you that, Rachel. I‘m afraid American interests in Afghanistan are going to remain. I hope that over the next eight years, we‘re able to do a whole lot better in Afghanistan than we have over the preceding eight. I‘m actually pretty confident that that is going be the case.
    Chilling, no?

  2. I saw that, Jay. I honestly believe we'll be out before that because we'll have much worse problems at home.
