Monday, March 23, 2009

The We Love Timmy Club

Pretty much everything you need to know about the subject of Timmy's Shiny Plan equaling free money for Wall Street can be summed up by the Dow jumping roughly 500 points.

However, even the GOP has to admit the Dow having gained 17% in two weeks means the President is the greatest financial wizard we've ever had in the White House by their own logic, the stimulus is working, Wall Street loves Obama, etc. etc. etc...I wonder when we're going to see the wingers say that Obama gets credit for the last two weeks? I'm sure it'll be any time now.


[UPDATE] Ezra Klein on Timmy's Shiny Plan:
So the Geithner plan is really two bets in one. The first is that this is not the worst case scenario and does not require the fixes developed for the worst case scenario. The second is that if this turns out to be the worst case scenario, then we still have those fixes available to us, and the need is clarified among the actors -- like Congress and the market -- whose reaction in the absence of consensus could scotch the whole thing.
In other words, it's lousy enough plan when it fails for Timmy to say "Well now we have no choice but Plan N."

Seems like a stupid, stupid idea to me...but then the whole point is to convince GOP recalcitrants and Blue Dog obstructionists, either one of them blocking Plan N is equally stupid.

We have to fail badly enough to even make the GOP see that Plan N is the only choice. Hooray!

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