Sunday, April 5, 2009

Push The Button, Kim

North Korea has tested its missile, to the surprise of absolutely no one as this week's worst kept secret missile launch ever.
No object entered orbit, the North American Aerospace Defense Command said Sunday, after North Korea claimed it had launched a satellite.

North Korea launched a long-range rocket Sunday, and called it a successful, peaceful launch of a satellite. But U.S. and South Korean officials called it a provocative act, amid international fears that the launch could be a missile with a warhead attached.

International reaction to reports of the launch -- which took place at about 11:30 a.m. local time -- ranged from calls for an immediate U.N. Security Council meeting to calls for measured diplomacy.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command, the U.S. and a Canadian organization that monitors space activity released a statement about the launch.

"Officials acknowledged today that North Korea launched a Taepo Dong 2 missile at 10:30 p.m. EDT Saturday, which passed over the Sea of Japan and the nation of Japan," the statement said. "Stage one of the missile fell into the Sea of Japan. The remaining stages along with the payload itself landed in the Pacific Ocean. No object entered orbit and no debris fell on Japan."

But North Korean and Russian officials said the communist nation successfully launched a satellite in orbit, according to the nations' news agencies.
Russians and NoKos say there's a satellite up there, rest of the world calls BS, anything the UN will try to do will get vetoed by China and Russia, and nothing will happen.

We should thank Bush for allowing Kim Jong-Il to get nukes (even crapass ones.)

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