Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Stopped Clock Alert

There's a reason I keep Rick Moran's Right Wing Nuthouse on the blogroll. When he's wrong, he's a wingnut train wreck. But when he's right, he's pretty damn right. This is one of those second examples as he takes several of my favorite lefty bloggers out back and reads them the riot act for wanting Democratic Party ad dollars on their blogs.
I realize it is difficult at times to follow liberal logic but aren’t they the ones who refer to the righty blogosphere as an “echo chamber?” And yet here we have them grousing that no one wants to pay them to perform as a lock step, unified message machine for the White House and Democratic Congress. That kind of irony is usually found in great literature, not the grubby, grasping whinings of a bunch of overhyped, underwhelming partisan pikers.

Methinks they have an elevated opinion of their own importance.

Adds John Amato, the founder of Crooks and Liars: “These groups actually believe that we should promote their stuff for free. Do they not understand that we need funds to sustain our viability?”

When was the last time someone walked up to you and said, “I will wash your windows if you help me sustain my viability.?”

Holy crap, what kind of double talk is that? The libs want money. They want to feel the greenbacks bulging in their pockets. They want to caress those Hamiltons, smell those Grants, make love to those beautiful Benjamin Franklins.

Three things:

1) It does make you look like an ass to dump on the demise of obviously echo-chamber GOP-funded right-wing blogger sites like Pajamas Media and then turn around and pull this crap. Obama does stupid things too, he needs to be called on them, and it's hard to do that with DNC dollars funding your blog.

2) The rest of Rick Moran's post devolves into a pretty standard wingnut rant which is pretty damn funny, as he ends up pretty much ruining his own post.

3) I'll never make money doing this, but I like writing.

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