Saturday, April 18, 2009

To Kill A Mocking-Bag

The Power Line guys are fuming because somebody told them that CNN's Anderson Cooper, Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi, Daily Show's Jon Stewart, and basically everybody at MSNBC was mocking the Tea Parties with the "teabagging" schtick. Hey, I did it myself.
There is something funny going on here, if not exactly where Cooper, Maddow and Sullivan find it. Cooper is widely reputed to be homosexual. Maddow and Sullivan are of course public homosexuals. It is funny in an ironic sort of way that these folks choose to disparage the tea party protestors from somewhere deep inside the homosexual subculture. Why not just call the protestors girly boys and let everyone in on the joke? Or would that spoil the fun?

There is not only something funny going on here, there is a story here. These supposed journalists and their networks (or publisher, in Sullivan's case) have rather seriously insulted the citizens who colorfully took to the streets to air respectable views in a most civil fashion. If they had any decency, Cooper et al. would apologize for their vile reference to homosexual practices in the context of ordinary citizens exercising their First Amendment rights.

Here's the difference, Power Whiners. Pay attention. Yes, the Left makes silly, juvenile double entendre references to teabags and mocks people. You brilliant scholars only managed to now figure out how laughably simple it was to viciously mock these fools because a reader told you that the teabaggers were being mocked by these double entendres (you apparently couldn't figure it out yourselves), and you only found out about it four days later.

And as for the reasons the teabaggers were so cruelly mocked in the national media?

But as you can see, the actual tea party attendees you are so eager to defend showed up with signs like this. So tell me, gentlemen...while you're so bloody angry at teabag puns (Olbermann actually said "But it doesn't make a vas deferens!" on Countdown this week and I almost fell out of my chair) which is really the bigger outrage? Puns? Or comparing the President to Hitler?

Honestly. Assholes.

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