Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Wingnut Pandemic Of Stupidity

Naturally, the Wingers see the Swine Flu outbreak in Mexico as unequivocal proof that we need 40 foot high electrified border fences guarded by turbolaser towers to keep the filthy, diseased illegals out of the country. Malkinvania and her ilk are quick to point out that the AFOP has now set us up for death by killer flu.

It hasn't occurred to any of these meatheads that the fastest path from Mexico City to Manhattan is called "an airplane taken by an American business traveler or vacationing family."

Sure, we could do a better job on the borders. Absolutely. Blaming Obama for this? Idiotic. Not to mention if the President made the same public safety moves that Mexican President Calderon is doing (advising all to wear face masks, closing schools, museums and other public places) then let's not forget Michelle Malkin would be the first person to go into an unrestrained screaming fit calling Obama the worst fascist America had ever seen, and that his Soviet gulag-era tactics to restrain American freedom would just be the beginning of the end of America.

Let's be honest here, people. If Obama doesn't say "Let's lock America down, nobody gets in, nobody gets out" he'll be blamed by these assholes for putting us at risk from FILTHY MEXICAN DEATH FLU on purpose, and it's proof Obama is a fascist dictator threatening our very lives and that we would need to rise up against the Kenyan usurper's illegal government and defend ourselves against enemies at our borders by whatever means necessary.

If he does implement public health and safety measures like this, of course that would mean Obama is implementing the policies of one world government by taking our guns and taking over the country to install himself as Leader For Life, and it's proof Obama is a fascist dictator threatening our very lives and that we would need to rise up against the Kenyan usurper's illegal government and defend ourselves against enemies within our borders by whatever means necessary.

He can't win with this crowd, so it's best to take anything they say with a ton of salt and cotton in your ears. Which is sad, because there is a real concern here for public health, and it's being used as a vehicle instead to attack Obama. Either way the Wingers get to have their WOLVEREEEEEEEEEENES! fantasy about shooting Latinos with the sniffles, or shooting jackbooted Gubment Thugs.

What a great bunch of people, huh?

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