Saturday, May 30, 2009

Building A Wall

Israel seems rather annoyed that Obama is sticking to his guns on the Israeli settlement issue. Clearly both sides are setting boundaries here: Israel fully expects Obama to cave under pressure from the Israel lobby, and Obama clearly expects Israel to deal with the fact that Obama is a different President.

These two notions are not mutually compatible. One or the other is going to have to give. As D-day points out, the GOP is a little busy calling Sonia Sotomayor a racist bigot governed by her menstruation cycle, but as soon as the Wingers figure out what's going on, the attacks on Obama will begin in earnest:
It's really fascinating, and I honestly don't know how it'll play out. The wingnuts are preoccupied with calling a circuit court judge a racist right now, but I wouldn't be surprised to see the Wurlitzer ramp up on this before too long. Expect some stories about the Black Muslim in the White House siding with the Palestinians, when in actuality, Obama is siding with the Israelis by insisting on the only avenue for progress. Bully for him.
But Israel doesn't want peace. Netanyahu will continue to build those settlements and dare Obama to do something about it. Obama and Hillary Clinton can insist all they want, but they are going to have to bring real pressure on Bibi to get anything done.

And as soon as they get that, the "Obama the Israel Hater" campaign will go full speed ahead.

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