Monday, May 4, 2009

Epic Entire Washington Journalistic Establishment Fail

Hey Village Idiots:

When fourth-graders are asking tougher questions from the Bush Torture Regime Experience Featuring Condi than your entire industry, you have failed in your most important duty as the watchdog of the powerful. Seriously. A fourth-grader who was asked to pull his punches.
Misha's mother, Inna Lerner, said the question her son had initially come up with was even tougher: "If you would work for Obama's administration, would you push for torture?"

"They wanted him to soften it and take out the word 'torture.' But the essence of it was the same," Lerner said.

Smart kid, and one who not only clearly understands that we tortured people, but isn't fooled by the argument "Well, the President said it was okay." If the argument's not even fooling a fourth-grader, then why is the rest of America accepting it?

You deserve to go out of business, Village Idiots. Let the bloggers and the kids take over, for crissakes.


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