Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Last Call

Add Oklahoma to the list of states where GOP lawmakers are pushing "sovereignty resolutions" and other WE HATE THE GUBMENT crap.

Last month, when teabaggers were rampant and the Governor of Texas was threatening to secede, we brought you the story of a movement--with roots in right wing separatism--making its way through conservative states.

That movement has resulted in the Georgia Senate, the South Dakota House, and both chambers of the Oklahoma legislature passing resolutions affirming their sovereignty and affirming their belief that the federal government stands in violation of the Constitution. The Georgia resolution in particular held that if the U.S. Congress were to pass, say, an assault-weapons ban, then "all powers previously delegated to the United States of America by the Constitution for the United States shall revert to the several States individually." In other words, in the eyes of the Georgia legislature, the union would cease to exist!

The Oklahoma resolution is significantly milder, but the state's governor Brad Henry vetoed it anyway. That's not stopping the legislature, though, which is set to override the veto and put Washington on notice.

This doesn't really change anything in a legal sense, but it's interesting inasmuch as it tells us whom Oklahoma's elected officials take their cues from.

By all means. Pull the trigger on one of these resolutions. Sign it into law. Get on the floor of your statehouses and say "We want to secede from this union." If you hate Barack Obama and the Democrats that much that you are passing resolutions declaring all Federal rules and regs not strictly in the Constitution null and void, then leave already. Be real men and women. Withdraw from the United States. Govern yourselves. Join with other like minded states and go your own way.

Otherwise, what you are doing now is useless posturing and worthless chest-beating from a group of cowardly idiots. Put your state where your words are, gentlemen. Return all Federal dollars. Close your borders. Print your own currency. Govern yourselves.

Go. Secede.

Otherwise, stop whining.

I mean honestly, these are people who cannot stand the idea of a black President to the point they would actually legislate not recognizing the government he heads.

That is true Obama Derangement Syndrome to the point where it is endangering the public good. These people are clinically insane. None of Bush's dictatorial power grabs were willing to cause you to try to declare the Federal government illegal. You loved it. You embraced the fascism. But a black man in the White House? You are reduced to the arguments of Jefferson Davis and John Calhoun overnight.

Get thee hence.

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